The Case for . . . Friendship and Communication in eRepublik

Day 2,467, 08:13 Published in USA USA by eChesty

August 22, 2014

The Case for Friendship and Communication in eRepublik

It's not about making friends and drinking beer as it is a method of communication! Using the 'Friends' tab, and the "We The People" tab on the "My Feeds" section on our Home page in eRepublik, leaders of WTP have an effective way of communicating concerns and ideas to the general military. And that is one reason you'll see that mission communicated as part of our current campaign.

Consider the hodgepodge of personalities, physical locations and time zones that a group in eRepublik must overcome. We have PMs, IRC and the forums, among other methods to communicate. What is the best way? We can all admit that certain methods are not conducive to all people, so what is the best way? And we can assume that if a player is online, as he must be in eRepublik, then we can assume that that person is also conversant with the email process.
Posting our comments and direction is the best way to get the word out to the largest group of WTP members - like an email blast. But it takes all of us to participate, of course! How do we participate? Read your email! Friend all the people you can in WTP so we can share ideas and develop our strength as a cohesive unit. My namesake, Gen. Chesty Puller, USMC would be proud!

It's also important to "Vote" posts like these when you read them. Voting such posts generates a counter within the game for the total votes collected. Obtaining enough votes places the post/article in the "Top Feeds" section of our Home page. Once there, the feeds are available to the rest of the eRepulik world, and gets the name of WTP out there! Note that some of the most subversive elements of eRepublik understand this process all too well! Fight back! Counter propaganda with the truth and justice of We The People!

On that note: Friend me! Vote me Comment!

eChesty said it, and eChesty meant it! What say you?