The Birth of a Nation

Day 3,088, 16:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by joey millz

My fellow citizens,

We stand in front of something great. The upcoming resource war gives Ireland the chance to found a new nation. Our online community here is much like what I know of the Irish community in real life, which is maybe a bit small in size but huge in heart and when it comes time to fight we can throw a good punch. The time to fight is coming. This is no ordinary fight, however. This is a fight that will determine just who we are as a nation.

At times and usually with alcohol involved there can be a bit of bickering amongst the citizens, but this is no time for rambling on into your pint glasses. If we join together now, even if only for this event, we will be able to establish a new status in the world. We will no longer be that scrappy little f*ker in the corner of the bar. We can be a rising power in the global theatre. A nation that will triumph.

Now I ask you, do you want to be a nation that is triumphant or a country held back from it's true potential because of petty arguments over things that carry little weight in the grand scheme of things? I for one will be joining my countrymen and dedicating everything I have to my country. I want one thing and one thing only: for Ireland to rise up and and show the world that we are true force that is capable of great things.