Sirius Dysfunction

Day 2,384, 01:14 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

At present, we are without an alliance.

Yet, this is much better than the position we were in. The Sirius alliance was not an alliance formed on mutual trust and friendship, the typical foundations of any alliance. Following the dissolution of TWO, Sirius was formed on a foundation of a mutual enemy: Serbia & Co. The member nations hoped that the camaraderie and friendship would build over time. Sadly, it did not.

When Serbia was effectively corralled, things began to fall apart. Once that mutual enemy was taken out, what was left to bind the countries together? As such, the regional interests of respective countries started to come to the forefront.

When Brazil was added to the alliance, they were expecting to have themselves freed from Argentina. While there were plans to do so, they didn’t even come close to getting Brazil a congress. Nobody appeared terribly committed to helping them. Many found it more important to leave Slovenia without a congress, instead. In fact, Spain was attempting to negotiate an NAP with Argentina to save their own ass. After all, they had already obtained an NAP with Portugal and Venezuela, without alliance approval. Spain sold Brazil down the river for their own safety. As such, Brazil left and has now signed an NAP with Argentina and MPP’d them. Ultimately, the negotiations between Spain and Argentina obviously fell apart.

Yet, there was another instance of this attitude that was more offensive to the people of the eUSA. Not long after Spain decided to look after it’s own regional interests, Poland took it’s turn. This time, they negotiated what was deemed to be a “Super NAP” involving Spain, Poland and almost half of Asteria. Basically, they would all agree not to NE one another, stabilizing their own regions. However, they took the liberty of dividing up France between themselves. They placed the regions occupied by the USA in the Serbian/Asteria sphere of influence and stated that they would not interfere in the region, should they choose to take the regions. This is not to mention that it also abandoned Chile as well. They added Croatia to the pact, in order to not look like complete assholes. They hoped that this would give them the 4 votes needed to pass the NAP in HQ, but Croatia backed out. They completely disregarded the interests of the eUSA for it’s own gain.

In the past month, Poland has also been looking for a good fight. They want to be the aggressor and go on some conquest. So what nation did they choose? Russia. This is a country that has been a dear ally of the eUSA for quite some time. Obviously, the USA rejected Poland’s request to engage against Russia. However, Poland continued to press on. The began threatening to act unilaterally and against the interests of alliance members.

Through all of this, it was clear that alliance members were looking after their own regional interests rather than each other. The alliance was not developing the mutual friendships that it needed. It was not a good environment for the eUSA, and the alliance was seemingly hindered by America’s resistance to bend over and spread it’s cheeks for the will of SPoland. When the HQ tried to entice the eUSA to attack Argentina, they made claims that Argentina was about to attack anyways, and that America would be facing a full scale assault.

We later found out that these claims had no basis in reality. Realizing that our alliance didn’t really care about us and actively lied to us to bend to their will, we made peace with Argentina.

Obviously, nations in the alliance did not like this action. Spain threw a fit, despite them attempting to do the same thing to Brazil just months prior. Then HQ blames Molly Emma for the whole ordeal among other things, and boots the whole country for her supposed actions rather than waiting for a regime change. Its fairly childish behavior from the people who are supposedly leading the alliance. Typically when one nation votes for a CP that doesn’t get along with everyone as well, they don’t cut off relations. They stick it through and hope for the best in the future.

Yet, this NAP had overwhelming approval from Congress, knowing that Spain was wiped by Argentina. It is not as though Molly acted without support from the people.

Sirius was not working out for the USA and the USA was not working in Sirius. In fact, even Spain doesn’t have faith in what’s left of Sirius. There was no mutual friendship and respect was lacking between countries and leaders. Once the common bond against Serbia was nullified, nations began to put their own interests over the interests of their allies’ well-being. They have voted to kick the USA in order to retain some form of an alliance.

It was a poisonous environment that we are better off no longer being a part of.

Now, we have the ability to chart our own course once more and cooperate with nations across the globe. Interesting and prosperous times are ahead of us, and I can’t wait to see what they bring.

As for Sirius, I’m sure Poland will have no trouble getting approval to attack Russia now. I just hope we stick by our word and defend our time-tested allies against Polish aggression.