See the world: Become a South African ambassador

Day 933, 02:15 Published in South Africa Romania by SA Min. of Foreign Affairs

Okay, I know, maybe you won't really see the world, but at least you'll meet some people outside eSouth Africa.

Don't think that you're too young or too inexperienced to be an ambassador, this is a great way to become more involved in eSouth Africa.

What does an ambassador do? They strengthen relations of eSouth Africa with the country they are assigned to by opening/maintaining an embassy on the forums of that country. They gain specific information on the country assigned to in a report form monthly (and sometimes gather specific information that ministries may need). Provide information to foreign embassies. Liaise with foreign countries on IRC.

There are a few openings left, so either send a private message to this org, to myself or the deputy Seisan stating that you'd like to be an ambassador, with a short !! on why or any preferences you have for an assigned country.

At this stage the following countries are available: (in no particular order)
Norway, Sweden, Japan, Colómbia, México, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Denmark, Romania, Iran, Thailand, Czech Republic, Slovakia, North Korea and Pakistan

Hope to get some new ambassadors!

For those seeking more information on eSouth Africa: June Primer


Steven Bosch
Minister of Foreign Affairs