Rolling Stone; Part #2

Day 2,477, 15:43 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Getting on the Ballot isn't as easy as you might imagine, but I did manage to get on most of the ballots. (I'll write more about this later.)

Firstly, I will thank the top 5 parties;

Thanks to the Federalists Party, the American Military Party, the Black Sheep, and We the People, for giving me the opportunity to be on their Presidential Primary Ballots.

Onward, to the sixth parties

Thanks to the United Communist Front, AUTOMATION ENGINEERING, The NoS Dive Bar and Hey, Remember the 80's, for their endorsements.

Thanks to the Globalist Independence Party and the Socialist Freedom Party for the opportunity to be in their primaries.

Now, according to the Magic 8-Ball:

#1. I'm supposed to, "Yes Definitely," publish an article.

#2. "My sources say No," Pfeiffer should not be on my Our Presidential Cabinet.

#3. "You may rely on it," We should create a church to honor the glory of the Magic 8-Ball.


If it pleases the Magic 8-Ball:

Step #1; A.
I'm creating a message thread with 21 volunteers and counting.
The Magic 8-ball and I can narrow down the volunteers which are suited to help with the Presidential Office.

Step #1; B. Depending on whether or not the Magic 8-Ball has chosen them;
Evil Elvis will be vice president.

Jude Conners will be the secretary of Media.
Phoenix Quinn and Civil Anarchy, will become Deputy Press Secretaries.

Wild Owl will be Secretary of Defense.
Cubby would be Deputy Defense Secretary.
Artela, TheNorm, Sar97, Garmr and Shiloh13 will be military advisers.

I would put Rainy Sunday at the head of the church of the Magic 8-Ball.
PilitPhil and SuperNana would be Cardinals.

Step #2. The second effort will be based on promoting The United States Independent Military Units. They represent an, increasing, majority of the nation's damage. We will promote all the missions, in the press, as a group activity.
(This will be the work of our Defense Department.)

Step #3. Establish the Church of the Magic 8-Ball. It's purpose will be; Accounting And Welfare Programs. The Church should promote from within. Eventually, the church will send out missionaries.
Missionaries will go into the public and deliver short messages to the new players. Then, return with public opinions.
We can use This Tool which was provided by Mike Ontry
(This should be the work of the Department of the Interior)

I'm still working out the Cabinet Positions. If you are interested in serving with me, on the most infamous term in years, please, tell me; With which game module are you most comfortable?

Your Public Servant; GoTJ

Give eUS your Tired your Poor, your Huddled Masses

Tanks for Tots:

Here is what you need to qualify for 3 q7 Tanks;

#1. You must be level 34 or under.

#2. Your top damage, in a campaign, must be for the eU.S.

#3. Introduce yourself in the comments box. If you qualify, tanks will arrive shortly.

Government Cheese:

Here is what you will need to qualify for 500 health units; (Food quality may vary.)

#1.You need to be level 34 or under.

#2. You must be an eU.S. citizen.

#3. Introduce yourself, in the comments box. If you qualify, the food will arrive shortly.

(This offer is good while supplies last. Tanks for Tots is supported by private contributions.)

Grab a pen and paper. Help us write the people's history.