Productivity based salaries

Day 1,076, 23:43 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Great White Ajkula

Do you own a company? Have you noticed people working with low wellness? When that happens your employees have a lower productivity than usual. Well when your employees do that you make significantly less money, sometimes even lose money..

What are Productivity Based Salaries?

- An employer would set a maximum salary for its employee

- Depending on that employees wellness when he/she works the salary would be a percentage of the maximum salary
For Example: An employee has 60 Wellness, he/she gets 60% of maximum salary

Does this just benifit the employer?

No, It would would affect everyone in a greater way:

- Players would work towards keeping their wellness up

- Players with a higher wellness are more prone to fight

Which brings me to the next point, It would also boost the economy

- Players would need more houses and food to maintain high wellness

- Players would need more guns to fight

- Higher demand for houses = Higher demand for stone

- Higher demand for food = Higher demand for grain

- Higher demand for weapons = Higher demand for iron and titanium

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Written and Edited by: Bad Influence

Original article is here: