here i go again \o all alone again on my own \o

Day 1,159, 19:18 Published in Germany Germany by moonburn

well can´t say i will move the world if i get elected only assurance i can give people is that i´m all up for closing down our raws market (except stone) and stop a bleeding of part of our currency wich is making our MM crumble (ofc i´m well aware it´s far from being the only reason)

apart from up with import taxs i´ve always been very pro active regarding taxs defending lower income taxs and higher vat because in economy what we don´t spent is what we use to invest or is part of our savings

savings are good because it means we can be better prepared as individuals
investing is better because it means we can increase and diversify our sources of income and more income means we can upgrade our savings or keep investing to grow yet again our revenues

so voting for me is having more power (in theory) over your earnings and how you wanna use them

militarly i´m a warmonger i want war because only trough trial can we separate the men from the boys however i´m not stupid (i think i´m not) i will never suport suicide moves and so you can count on me to not allow abuses on the natural enemy feature

regarding militias before i didn´t liked them much but nowdays i changed my view about them even tough as a member of the bundeswher i´m aware that militias and the army both fight for the best resources (good soldiers) i came to see militias as a way to keep people involved in the game and therefore should any proposal for suport for the creation of militias appear you can count on my vote

however suport to already established and existing militias i will be very skeptic off because militias comes from latin rome and it means that their members should be self sufecient if they wanna depend on the goverment then they should be part of the bundeswher (thats my rule doesn´t mean that in exceptional situations such as important rw´s or wars i will not suport a sharing of the resources)

socialy i´m not very involved or that well known in the game however i always did my share of the work helping newcomers and i even tried to "persuade" konrad neumann to go into the managing bussiness wich somehow made my relantioship with him a bit sour for myself all i can say is that i wanted him to be "free from want" but it turns out that either his extenuating political activity didn´t allowed him to develop as a proper manager or then he is totally inept at managing companies (wich imho is the easyest thing in the world just do math 10 times a day everytime something changes value)
another happyer example is kttrs wich started around my time and i like to believe i helped him develop fully in the game by suporting his entrepenour pursuits

(this is my way of saying i screw up sometimes but i also get a few things right now and then)

i won´t say i´m the nicest person because i´m far from it and even inside my company the bundeswher elite forçes i had some ego clashs with people like slayer10 or dermont doesn´t mean i do not respect them only means i will not be bullyed or swayed out of my points of view by agressive or other forms of persuasion

so if you stand for a trully open minded germany vote for me in lower saxony (until we can get back my beloved mecklenburg \o)

on a sidenote that might affect my running i´m one of the people who has been pushing the raw companies priçes (companies for sale market) down i do this not for profit (altough it´s a very nice reward) but because i believe that a true egerman can only be free if/when they achieve their status as a landowner that as been explained in another one of my articles that invite you to read if you wanna know more about me

best regards MoonBurn