GoW** to Titan in a day

Day 2,228, 17:57 Published in Poland Australia by Brigidd

It all started slowly.
These are my stats from yesterday:

After that, my friend from ePakistan The DarkKnight told me there was a battle in ePakistan, so I decided to fight for Pakistan.
Here is the screenshot of every round including CH. Enjoy ^_~
Round 1:
By this time I was just mobilizing, and The DarkKnight had only told me near end of battle that Pakistan had a campaign, so I could hit only a little bit.

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 4:

Round 5:

2nd guy finally gave up 😃

Round 6:

Round 7:

Round 8:


Even though all this damage wasn't enough, I had to hit a little bit more to reach Titan. So I hit 1 round in Latvia
Round 6:

after round finished I realized there is still a little damage left.. WHY!
and no more energy bars 🙁
Just kidding I can still do the same damage 10 times 😃


Yes! Finally Titan!
also 242k experience points:

Even though we lost the battle, I literally hit from start till end of every round except the first one.
I would specifically like to thank The DarkKnight, without whom none of this would have been even possible!
I just wanted to share my happiness, hope u liked it!
