Free Stuff (25 comments)

Day 2,503, 09:58 Published in Canada USA by please delete mee

Well, eRepublik, you've done it again. This has got to make it into the eRepublik Hall of Failures! 25 comments. Seriously?

That's why I'm hosting a random draw. If we can get 25 comments from different people on this article, I will randomly pick a number using and the winner gets 100 CAD, 250 Q1 food and 10 Q7 tanks! (approximate value 165 CAD) More than 1 entry will result in disqualification.

The draw will take place at 6:00 EST, on Monday, September 29th.

So how do you enter? Vote the article (tell me your vote number) and make a comment.

Enter and shout it! Thanks!

UPDATE: Thank you to all eRepublik citizens who helped me complete this mission - we completed it in less than a day! Don't worry though, registration for the draw is still open.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Congratulations to adrian1984 from Argentina who won! Thanks for all your help!