eUSA not wiped, still max Taxes

Day 2,994, 12:57 Published in USA USA by Elanaconda

The Work Tax in eUSA has been maxed out.

During the last week our territory was under attack. Till now no panic needed since we had a healthy reserve ( I cannot mention numbers here cause those are confidential and I am a sitting member of Congress). Until one week later, our executive, who was given a nice chunk of money to set COs during key battles got a little over enthusiastic in spending that money. It was gone before the invasion of our homeland really got started.

Now the panic kicked in among several Congress Parties. First came a rise in Work Tax to 18%, which already is twice the amount any other free country has in this game. Couple of days later it seemed Congress turned into a place with just insane people. There was a discussion about going for max taxes, yes you read that correct, max taxes!! The max taxes were voted in as soon as they could, thats what panic does. So the thing you do first thing when you conquer a country in this game, max the taxes so you can EXPLOIT the people for your own good.

Exactly that is now happening in our country, the people are being exploited by their own government with max taxes, and even for me as Congressman its not fully clear where all the money end up.

