Demonikuski selvittää taas kielimuuriongelmia! [translation included]

Day 1,711, 12:34 Published in Finland Iran by Demonikuski

[The summary of the whole chain of events in English is found after the same summary in Finnish.]

Kuten jotkut ehkä tiesivät olen ennenkin ratkonut kielimuureista ja kulttuurieroista johtuvia suomalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten välisiä ongelmia. Kuitenkin pari päivää sitten tietooni tuli entistä paljon monimutkaisempi tapaus, jossa kroaattiystävämme ChristijanXD oli ajautunut ongelmiin suomalaisen A.R Rayn kanssa. Huolestuin taas Suomen maineesta ja yhteiskuntarauhasta, joten päätin tuoda molemmat miehet neuvottelupöydän ääreen ja johtaa itse vaativaa neuvottelua. Jouduin käyttämään kaiken kielitaitoni ja päättelykykyni, mutta lopulta riita saatiin kuin saatiinkin ratkaistua ja ystävyys osapuolten välille palautettua. Ohessa neuvottelu. Kommunikointiin käytettiin jälleen niin sanottua yksinkertaistettua englantia. [Keskustelu englanninkielisen osuuden jälkeen.]

Like some may know I have previously solved problems between Finns and foreigners that have been caused by language barriers and cultural differences. However, a couple of days ago I learned about a lot more complicated matter where our Croatian friend ChristijanXD had ended up in trouble with the Finnish A.R Ray. Again I was worried about Finland's reputation and the peace in our society, so I decided to bring both men around the same table for negotiations and to lead these difficult negotiations myself. I had to use all my linguistic skills and my skills in deductive logic, but in the end the problem was solved and the friendship between the parties involved was restored. I present the negotiation. So called Simple English was again used for communication.

[A.R Ray also provided a screenshot of the following conversation, if you'd rather read it that way. Thanks A.R Ray!]

- "Hello friends!

Here have little problem our hands I see. But no have worry at all Christijan or A.R Ray need having! Demonikuski good skill tongue problems solving. Because Finland supreme educate system. But no Finland supremacy! No no! No racism! No Thors! Only good learning education go throughly.

« Link removed. Exploit detected. »

Article reading. Understanding about RW medallions no delivering but yes saying still! Maybe not all have facts knowledgeable for opinion basing actions. This here why both once speaking. Give point of your viewing. Then we solving having time! And only friendly talking! No Thors and no Stormfront here, no no no!

Please, beginning here."

- "No link working. Again tries tryhard.

« Link removed. Exploit detected. »"

- "Link no work. Please manual going A.R magazine. Article name call "My dearestest friendst ChristijanXD [vote + subsd]"."

{Note1: Even after two tries, I couldn't get this link to work in the game's private message system.}

A.R Ray:
- "I copies and pastes here yes????? [Note2: I had previously messed up with another private message, so I asked A.R Ray to copy his message to this message list instead.]

Christijan why did you no RW yes??? I voteds and subs all nights artikelis. I voteds ellektions and RW. Now no Q7 faktories and all is I wired my Q6. MU-freinds smile and tanks with Q7 not as me 🙁

christijanXD I think friend to me? Croatias is friends of Finalands, all time fromewer. Pleece be friends of me and pleeeeeceeee ncely RW goldens 🙂"

- "Now Christijan time speaking. What pointing your view?"

- "ok"

- "Christijan please. Telling viewing points for understanding purposes for us needs also not only hunger needs understanding needs also. Why RW medallion scamming times?"

A.R Ray:
- "ChritijjanXD pleese tell why me not your freind?
I am alldays your frind 🙂🙂

I am sadens about metals you should really be givins me RW

Please memper who helppeds you when Ismo called yuo racist??
We alldays help you yes? Why not help us?"

- "I understand the rw is in the Burgeland.
A.R Ray is not voting.
are you have problem with messages or??"

- "ok.
the sure rw Thailand vs India kerela,Thailand jul 26 20:13:02"

A.R Ray:
- "but I voteds! many multis. i can has many votes 🙂 multtis and had feddis also prsedenttial ellections XDXDXD voteds multi one ChristinXD yes? why no metals?"

- "I write sure rw in the messages and your multi vote me.
I have 4 votes.
I votes one
I doubt that you ever voted

- "AR, please. You must being seriously now and very honestly like Finland man always honest saying perkele. You vote or no vote Christijan election?"

- "he isnt vote his eat shit"

- "AR eat shit"

A.R Ray:
- "I honets! I Finalds!!!!!

I eat no shit !!!!!

I voteds multi one !!!!!!

ChristijanXD piss monkey!!!!!"

- "A.R RAY I thought you is good boy why you invite Demonikuski."

- "multi one
I belive multiacc OMG!!"

- "Dear boy ChristijanX😨 over and out and longout.
AR smooking dick"

- "Christijan, please!

I first message writing! You must upper scroll backing in the first message again reading! I writing no Stormfront no racism! Why you racism behaviour! Please no more. Good behaving. Otherwise call Thors. No good. Again trying relaxing mannerism."

A.R Ray:
- "I is no homo!!!!
I smoke no dig!!!!!
I voteds you multi!!!!!
I wan to had my RW!!!!!
Pay the depts Christiens!!

Why Christian so jew? I till thinks you as friends. Need to Q7 faktory so goldens problem 🙁

So pleeceeee be friends of Finlands pay the dept yo own. Together peace and friend ship Croatia 🙂"

- "I have some thinking times using deduction skills for little hours this day. Maybe now having understanding here.

Please, have attention payment for deductive logic reasons I now given you here.

Christijan want vote election congress. Ask AR votes election. Promise give nice advisor for AR where can go take RW support options clicking nice, getting RW medallion process and many money. Very happy times.

But Christijan thinking maybe A.R not votings for election time! What this is disappointments for Croatian friend! Not giving RW advisor. Everyone very sad. Even maybe thinking call Thors and hate speech writing Stormfront go.

Everything not understanding. Each other maybe misunderstand not know what other meaning. Very unfortunate thing happening for Finland and friends. But no can do. Only not understand other.

I hope maybe now understand that not evil other means. Can handshake and friends continuation time. Yes? Hoping very much no Thors requirement."

- "Nice good friends again, yes? Now liking Finland co-existence also Croat and Finn? Good, yes?"

- "ok AR Ray It is good I write you sure rw in the messages sory with insults, can shake hands"

A.R Ray:
- "I shake hands too many times

ChristijjanXD you are my bestest friends.

Finlands and Croatias from stronkest fiend ships"

- "ok , what is the problem?"

A.R Ray:
- "no problems no more

i can so wiring all Q7 and happy times and metals 🙂

all love demokuski deduction lokigs"

Kuten näette, neuvottelut olivat hankalat ja tunteetkin kuumenivat, mutta lopulta kaikki kääntyi parhain päin. Thorsillekaan ei tarvinut vielä soittaa. / Like you can see, the negotiations were hard and there were even some heated feelings, but in the end all turned out well.