Dear Greek President (A message from the President of eItaly)

Day 922, 00:36 Published in Greece USA by bisiacco
TO: The President of Greece
FROM: The President of Italy
VIA: First Class eRepublik Air Mail

Dear President of Greece,

I really appreciated your wise words about this proposal, but I am feeling so sorry today, writing this letter, because I have to decline your offer.


Because we are not Eden, we are not Greece.

We are not Eden, used to attack and fail, used to write articles showing how big they are, but also used to show how small they are on the battlefield.

We are not Greece, used to play and spend, throwing its money out of the windows and finally cry how mean the world is against them.

Usually we have the bad habit to attack and win, at least this happened in the past to Italy.
Don´t be sad please, we will come, we are preparing and we are just waiting for the right moment. Maybe will not be this month, but when will be make us a small favour.
At least this time, please, don´t cry again.

respectevely yours,

President of eItaly