Community Update (including last orders for Activity Ideas, and much more...)

Day 572, 10:10 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community
Fun and games

Tomorrow I am following through on the main job of the new Ministry of Community which is providing fun and games, and community activities for the eIrish. Take your chance to suggest your ideas here:


It has yet to be decided what sort of rewards the winners of the Community will receive. Will it be IEP? If so, who will donate it? Will it be food and weapons? Will it just be the title and the honour? Have your say here:


This week’s Lottery is about to take place. Find all of the information here to get involve😛

New Fun IRC

In the meantime, you are welcome to join the all-new e-Ireland Fun IRC chat. It is moderated by me, and will provide the setting for trivia, fun and games, and light-hearted merriment. I will be picking respectable ops soon. Find the new fun channel on the IRC at this address:


New Citizens Contact Plan

A new plan has been drawn up whereby all citizens (not just ministers) can contact New Citizens in the name of Ireland. Read about the plans and try it out here:

I would like to announce a new member of the Ministry of Community. His name is Darragh O’Faoileán and he is also the current Minister for Education. The reasons for this joining up were to divide the responsibilities of the Comunity Minstry evenly. In addition to contacting New Citizens, which is all of our responsibilities, the responsibilities are as follows:


Co-ordinating the Ministry, moderating the forums, distribution of Community Awards System, updating and maintaining the New Citizens Information bank, negotiating things with people, updating the New Citzens contact list and being the Minister for Fun and Community Activities

Teutorix Aleria:

In charge of the Q & A, updating the e-Ireland Wiki, composing and maintaining the New Congress Members Guide

The new Mentor system, composing and releasing University related articles

Finally, if you have not already, get onto the Community section of the e-Ireland forums, and lets build up our nation.