Capitalism as the Anti-Christ

Day 3,193, 10:45 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

Animal screams & dying children who are suffering,
Useful lusts & slick self-interest, commoditized and digitized,
profitable and engineered for brutal, future wars.

Robotic consumers will be our next generation,
robotic producers printing roboticized products for robotic consumers using
digital currencies & roboticized warriors who are endlessly obedient, never questioning, never tiring and never stopping for good.

Animal screams and dying children are good business for the Capitalism sector that's now being identified as a corruption zone.

The great beast's head is a once-proud eagle that feds. Its young with our nation's true blood, chewed iron from the earth and belched petroleum louder from the skies.

Empire, empire
Exceptional empire
Nation, nation
Exceptional government
Neither honesty nor hope for millions who are being imprisoned for crimes that they did/didn't commit.

Billions that are imprisoned will pay even more as it charges them
for the chains that they die in, for the company that they always do keep!