Boredom: A Way to Cope

Day 3,180, 15:35 Published in Ireland Philippines by Johannes Cauf
Arise! Arise! Ye Irishmen and women half dead with boredom!!

With that dramatic intro aside, welcome to the article, today The Insider View shall be promoting totally serious and reliable ways to quench the boredom of the average citizen

And The List Begins!

1. Go to a nice eLake and start fishing, if a man approaches you saying the fish is a lie, shoot him with your state sanctioned bazooka(approach your nearest government representative to get yours truly today) and do a rain dance

2. Leaf through numerous past articles and laugh at the steaming pile of Cronyism and Corruption Allegations.

3. Find a nice sturdy eWall, proceed to drill the word "REBEL" into said wall and pat yourself on the back for disobeying the law like that. You mad thing ya

4. Go to eUSA and complain that their portions are "Too American" for your "European Sensibilities"

5. Antagonize a nearby pigeon(see the book "Pigeons and how to kick their arse" for more information)

6.Find a nearby fly, capture it with tissue and burn the bastard, then admit yourself to psychiatric care for enjoying the immolation of a fly

7.Disrupt a CP speech with the cry of "Who let the dogs out?!"

8. Read a book and pretend to have learnt a lot

9.Assault a nearby Tree with cries of "The Squirrel Gods must be appeased!"

10. Anger an Irish MU and run away screaming "You'll never catch the Zohan!"

And these are our completely legitimate and serious suggestions to relieve yourself of the burden of boredom....all approved by The Department of Excrement and Giggles.

Hope you had a funny read Ladies and Gents.
This is the first part of one of many Humor Articles that The Insider view will soon start publishing more of. Hope you enjoyed, have a good day!

-Johannes Cauf
(Press Director)