Beirut Meeting - 2

Day 3,154, 13:45 Published in Armenia Armenia by ChievoKevin

I have been planning to write this article for almost a year, but … blame it on laziness, I always postpone it for tomorrow.

So, I owe my thanks to Tigran the Great for finally bringing “tomorrow”. I’m not really sure that this fits with his condition of article about the game, but then again, being one of the sponsors of the prizes, I would not get a prize anyway, so this will just fill up the eArmenia publishing space. And at the very least, if not about the game, it IS about the players.

Last year, I had published an article, regarding our first Lebanon eRep players meet, and then we had another smaller meet.

This one was between myself, my good friend Aramazt, and another good friend, DSasounski.

DSasounski, who currently lives in Canada, was visiting his mother, and we certainly could not miss the opportunity to have a Kebab dinner at Apo’s in Beirut.

Aramazt on the left, DSasounski at right.
When Aramazt joined the game, there was no Armenia, and since he is a fan German weaponry of World War II, he joined Germany. After eArmenia was founded, I tried to convince him several times to get citizenship, but he declined. He never gave a reason, but I could hear him humming “Deutchland Uber Alles”
Well to each his own

This one is Aramazt and yours truly

And of course me and DSasounski

Pretty soon, I hope to have another article, as soon as Chievo visits Beirut