batle hero seekers with low strenght

Day 1,343, 13:42 Published in Germany Germany by moonburn

as debating with a few friends one of them complained that altough he plays this for over 18 months he can´t hope to win a batlehero medal

feeling his disapointment in the game and fearing he might leave (hey he gives me 0.5g a month afterall) i came up with a way for him to get a batlehero medal

now it´s not easy his maximum health is around 550 per fight (64 if he uses the trick i told you last time) and his strenght is only 3.000 (sometimes i seem to forget most people can´t afford lana... )

so whats the latest hot new thing in erepublik :? yeap you got it right the anti tank personal weapon aka as bazookas

so for all of you kids outside after you complete the bazooka mission don´t waste the precious machines away one at a time hoard them in pieçes and when the time is right and you got around 25 peaces of each component go for the batlehero that roughly 75 fights (if you´re my friend 64 fights) giving 5.000 damage per hit ) of pure muscle power where idiots like me can never hope to compete with you weakling bastards

if you use your resources right in no more then 6 weeks (it´s rough estimate of what i make but then again i fight over 150 times a day)you can finally achieve whats normally is only destined to a few of us the olders and richer players (altough i´m poor as hell 😕 ) wich is the batlehero medal

i hope this helps and if it works send me 0.5g as a thanks

best regards
p.s: if you got 10g buy a company don´t squander it away a proper usage of resources might make you one day the richest man alive or a penny saved is a penny earned and lots of penny´s together make a million dollars