Back to the future??

Day 56, 00:00 Published in Italy Italy by carloarturo

According to todays statistic in eItaly we are ... back to the Future!

Active users New users Rebirths Deaths
Jan 138 15 2 211
Dec 218 201 0 105
Nov 26 26 0 0

Gone is the wave of "pro" gamers and their organised skills.

Still, Italy increased its population five fold since November, the first month of consolidated people.
Now, are these active users or we are seeing a decline in presence furthermore?

It is already difficult to find workers for companies again, and prices are so low that most of our companies are showing losses. And when you have no workers you have to increase salaries...

At the same time, we loose warriors for the March war, and this is bad as well.

Hospitals have not appeared and are a chimaera.

Many problems to be faced. Mr President, any suggestion?