Ain't that a kick in the government?

Day 3,067, 14:53 Published in Ireland Philippines by Johannes Cauf
Hello Loyal Readers and New Readers both. This is your eAwesome eReporter Johannes Cauf. I haven't written in a while and thought i should do a summary of April's Events for the lazy players and the new players.

*An April Revolution has occured, headed by current CP Sluagh with the support of Left and Left leaning individuals and parties(most notably the Irish Revolutionary Front and The Left hand of Ireland along with Cat Boyd and Sluagh) have removed former eDictator Donald TrumpNogin The Nog after a volatile period of scandal,accusations and major skirmishes and wars both diplomatically and militarily with foreign nations.

*After a consistent period of eIreland being wiped from the map, we have finally driven out the Lithuanian Dogs occupiers who have consistently occupied Ireland before the April Revolution with the Help of our Bulgarian Allies and President Sluagh

And Now a few words about the Old Ruling Party: The Irish Labour Party.
Well they will be hated loved missed missed. And i have no beef with the Old CP Winston Hope Smith, as an ePerson he was a very good one. But his policies were, in my humble opinion Atrocius and caused Ireland's wipe time and time again. Perhaps Mr. Hope Smith was in the preventative Dictator's pocket, perhaps not.

The fact stands that he hindered change, Good change from occuring.

This is why i am calling for any individuals or groups of individuals within the ILP and other parties who wish to serve eIreland and bring about good change to join the newly conceived Irish Revolutionary Force under the leadership of Ice Drake Shyvana and bring about True Change.

Ireland needs YOU

Long Live Ireland!

-Report made by Johannes Cauf