Africa an eParadise? [International]

Day 696, 12:49 Published in South Africa Romania by SA Min. of Foreign Affairs
South Africa!
Have you ever thought of moving to a new eCountry? Looking for an exciting new community, or wanting to make your experience on eRep more fun and relaxed? Sick of a crowded eNation full of players dying for attention, want to make a real difference and be recognized for your work? Come to South Africa.

There are a lot of benefits to living here in SA. We have two regions, Free State and Limpopo. Both of which have Q5 hospitals, an impressive feat for so small an eNation. Having our entire country Q5 provides balance and harmony throughout congressional elections.
And, by taking part in two war games, we have a chance to train every day. Here in Africa, high wellness, xp, and military training is a guarantee. Along with this we have high wages, and a reasonably priced marketplace.

Diamonds!! In Limpopo, untold treasures lay beneath the earth. If you are a land worker, then you might just find one of the highest wages in the eWorld!

We have a strong government that offers many different programs and plenty of opportunities to become involved. Active individuals who are willing to communicate and work hard will soon find a place within our government. Our very active ministries always need more help!

But South Africa has more than this to offer. Something that is hard to find anywhere else.
A small yet surprisingly active community. South Africa could be exactly what you are looking for, an English speaking country, with a small enough group to have a strong sense of camaraderie, and enough activity for it to never get boring. In fact, we have over five active parties! With this much political diversity in such a small community, things really do never get boring.

Looking for a place to in the eWorld to truly call home? Sick of world war politics and backstabbing? Join us in South Africa, find peace. No, not PEACE. We are an active member of the neutral alliance SOL, and have trade with countries across the world.

Our history has been one of perseverance. We have faced many challenges in the past, but have overcome all of them. Our players are strongly committed. Join us, and join a lasting cause.

We are always looking for new players in South Africa. Visit and find out if you want to make it your new home. You will be welcomed with open arms.
Success in eRepublik is not measured in gold, or position, but by the experience you have playing it. Will you remember it fondly? Come to South Africa and be active to make lasting friends and enjoy the game.

If you are interested in moving, but not quite sure yet, contact this org. SA Min. of Foreign Affairs, for more information. I'm open to any questions.

Already decided to come?
Buy a ticket and travel to Free State!
(preferably FS and not Limpopo, in order to further maintain territory balance).


South African Minister of Foreign Affairs