3 MILLION FRICK'N EURO'S ... and this is what we get ?!!!

Day 975, 07:21 Published in Australia Australia by Henry the 8th

Lately, I have been reading and looking into the current situation with eRebulls%&t.

It seems that there is no such message or display of a ‘FREE GAME’ anymore !!!

To play this game in the current setup means you either have to be one of three things…

1; Mummy’s spoilt little rich kid

2; A good job or nice government handout

3; Stupid

Playing this game until now has now become what the Admins consider ‘easy money’, but if they don’t realise REAL soon then they are going to lose their pride and joy and their money.

The Admins have had this game running for around 3 years and just last year alone they made nearly 3 MILLION EUROS !!!!!!

With that sort of cash they could have easily made the most kick ass game around, but instead invested in 3rd world technology and ideology to create the current dribble.

Please leave comments so that we can show the admins it’s a global f%#k up that they have created, unless they think that the paying customer will hang around to fill their pockets, which will die as soon as the ‘FREE PLAYERS’give up. (people who spend REAL money rely on the general population to make a profit).

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