[WTP] It's time to take a stand. (Down with taxes!)

Day 2,863, 20:29 Published in USA Turkey by Intolerant
[ A little relevant Dream Theater for your earhole. (YouTube) ]

Hello again WTPers - and whoever else may be in attendance.

Most of you will probably know me in some form or fashion by now. Be it from positive past experiences, casual passings, or the occasional butting of heads.

For those of you who don't know me, you can find a brief introduction in the beginning of my previous article: [WTP] Cast your vote, if but only to have a voice.

I am a major proponent for allowing the people a voice which carries weight in the decisions of administration, which is why WTP's methods and views jive so well with my own.

I believe that a Congressman's decisions and actions need to reflect that of his respective party and voters. Recently, I have seen a stir within the party (and general population) in which people are asking what we can do to lower taxes. The problem is, nothing seems to be getting done about it.

I initially had no intention of running for Congress this term. But, as I read through the latest Congressional poll on lowering taxes, I began to anger at how the procession was playing out.:


A few days after the poll ended, I posted in the feed urging members to express their views to their Congressmen and/or apply for Congress if the outcome didn't suit their views.

This created a bit of a stir in and of itself. I suddenly had friends and fellow party members asking me to join the run for Congress and represent our collectively shared views.

Seeing a problem and being able to become part of the solution, I have decided to make a stand and announce my official candidacy in this month's Congressional primary.

If you are for getting the will of the people reflected in Congressional hearings, and getting a decrease in taxes; then I implore you to vote for those of us running for Congress who are against the 15% tax rate:



and myself, Intolerant

Furthermore, I'd like to add that I am also hereby announcing an open door policy if elected. (And even if not, really.) If there's something that needs to be addressed, then we need to get it out and in the open - Governmental or not. Feel free to drop me a mail, and we'll discuss it and ensure that it is dealt with.

Even if you aren't against the tax rate. Get out and vote for A CANDIDATE. There are many qualified candidates running who are worthy of holding office. Choose one who will represent your views and political standing, as this is the way that you have input on Governmental decisions.