[WO4PotUS] A Platform

Day 2,230, 21:44 Published in USA Poland by Wild Owl

Dear America,

I know that there are people out there waiting for me to announce my Cabinet, but that’ll have to wait for now, this article is about my platform and what I intend to achieve as President of the United States.

You know, as I sat down and thought about what I’d like to achieve as President when I decided to run, I was really quite clear on what I’d want to achieve for us as a country and a community. I’ll give you the bullet point version, as follows:

Foreign Affairs:

★ Re-affirm our commitment to our allies and continue to work with them, with key focus on Albania and Croatia.
★ Look to increase our bonuses via negotiations and rental deals. Continue the Irish deal.
★ Seek out new allies and continue to develop relations with strategic countries like Spain, Poland as well as ex EDEN countries like Turkey.

Military Affairs:

★ Increase USAF efficiency and effectiveness. I intend to make progression from branch to branch extremely clear and easy for soldiers as they level up from division to division, which will make them eligible for more damage.
★ Broaden the scope of the NSC by increasing participation of non-affiliated Military Units.

Domestic Affairs:

★ There will be a renewed focus on Education, with more effective guides and information being made available for our players, particularly with regards to the newly implemented changes, which haven’t been covered by the DoE so far.
★ Interior will be broadening its reach to include more citizens and launch an aggressive media effort to raise awareness for its programs.
★ WHPR will be published as per routine, along with me writing in my personal paper at least twice a week to keep our citizens informed of the going-ons of our government.

A lot of my platform is largely common sense stuff and most of it has been done before, but honestly, this January we largely have to mind our own fires and deal with our own stuff while waiting for many of the FA changes that everyone everyone wants/expects to take place internationally before we can make any big move, although rapprochement with many of our former allies is a priority for me . Its a great time of course to focus on our domestic stuff and we will be continuing most of the good stuff achieved in the past administrations and building upon it as the month goes on.

In my next article, I intend to reveal the people who I have selected to help me and America achieve the goals that I have set out for our great country. If you’re a new player who wants to be involved, or an oldfag who wants to contribute in our government, please do not hesitate to send a PM my way, there is always place for Interns and Deputies in many of the Departments.

Until next time,

Wild Owl