[TCP] A Constitutionalist for The Constitution Party

Day 3,786, 20:34 Published in USA USA by dmjohnston

Mood Music: Who Am I?

Hello eAmerica. It’s been some time since you’ve heard from me here in my own paper. But the time has come. I am burdened with glorious purpose, my friends.

As the United States Workers Party closed its doors and opened a new door to The Constitution Party, I have had the great pleasure of witnessing what can only be called a rebirth. The same commitment to logical decision making and an active political module remains, alongside a renewed commitment to making that module Accessible, maintaining proper Stewardship over our tax revenue, and using that revenue to ensure the Sovereignty of the eUS.

As the party’s name suggests, this is all centered around a core belief that our Constitution (and by extension the Code of the eUS) are the cornerstone of success for our eNation. This month, some, even among our own party members have lost sight of that commitment. It is of paramount importance that we continue to strive to follow our laws to the utmost of our ability and help others learn about them as well.

As Speaker of the House last month, I released an article about the Constitution. While I had planned to continue that trend to cover the various sections of the Code as well, Real Life took its toll, as it often does. I could renew that same commitment, certainly, but I think we can do better.

Ladies and Gentlemen (and Oblige), today I announce my intention to run for President of The Constitution Party, with the intent to reaffirm our commitment to our written laws through a training program for our members and members of other parties alike. Many of our experienced Congressmen do not fully understand some of the most important aspects of their job. We can throw party leaders under the bus, or we can fix the problem.

As a 33-term Congressman, a 7-time Speaker of the House, and Congressional Librarian, I pledge to work with other parties to bring us all under the same level of focus on doing things the right way by making sure we all know what the right way is. Let’s go to work.


That’s right kids, Tom is back with a vengeance.

Dio bless you, and Dio bless the eUnited States of America.