[SFPress]The Return of the Socialist Freedom Press

Day 2,513, 07:10 Published in USA USA by J.A. Lake

Day 2,513 of the New World

First, a Reintroduction...

We are back!

The Socialist Freedom Press, silent since day 1,209, has returned to circulation. A lot has changed in the last 1300 days, most notably the destruction of organizations. Therefore, things will be done a little differently since the Socialist Freedom Press cannot be published by an organization and must be published by players.

Therefore, the paper will be published by those who want to publish it. The editor-in-chief, in the best tradition of the Socialist Freedom Party, will be democratically elected by the membership of the Party.

This Week in the Party

A long time ago the SFP followed the Ten Points of Solidarity, a loose guideline that directed SFP policy and gave SFP lawmakers a coda to fall back on and to refer to. After a long bout of lethargy, the Revolutionary Committee got together and updated the Ten Points. Here they are!

1. The Socialist Freedom Party supports the right of players with a common ideology, culture or interests to gather together as a Political Party to empower constituents to achieve their goals regarding specific issues.

2. The Socialist Freedom Party recognizes the right of those who have organized into political parties to lobby their governments and to change them as their constituents see fit for any reason, be it political, economic, or military.

3. The Socialist Freedom Party supports the right of players to freely travel between countries and regions, whether to escape economic hardship, political persecution or simply to seek a better life. We also support the right of immigrants to pursue citizenship regardless of any differences in culture and language.

4. The Socialist Freedom Party demands absolute protection, acceptance, and enfranchisement of every citizen regardless of their conditions.

5. The Socialist Freedom Party considers it important that every voice be heard, and to facilitate that any and every effort must be made to overcome the language barrier, regardless of the difficulty in doing so.

6. The Socialist Freedom Party celebrates states that act as a melting pot of free individuals from states all over the world, and encourages the granting of asylum to those who were considered criminals for political reasons and are escaping from their oppressive governments to find freedom.

7. The Socialist Freedom Party supports the development of alliances and mutual defense pacts between consenting states with legitimate and popularly supported governments.

8. The Socialist Freedom Party believes that all governments derive legitimacy from approval of the people they govern, and any government that ceases to please the people that formed it must necessarily be deemed illegitimate.

9. The Socialist Freedom Party rejects the idea that long-term citizens have any entitlement to leadership or political power in any state, and instead believes that those who work hardest and have the greatest measure of popular support should lead.

10. The Socialist Freedom Party categorically rejects cronyism, nepotism, elitism, cliquish behavior, exclusionary political tactics, and plutocracy as methods for running a Government. Furthermore, the Socialist Freedom Party believes steps must be taken to counter such tactics and checks must be put in place to prevent their reappearance after they are banished.

SFP's Welfare Programs:
By Captain Recks,

Here at SFP we enjoy treating our members well, very well. Our 5 different welfare programs cover almost every different way of supplying people in Erepublik. From newspaper based programs to commune jobs. I can guarantee no SFPer will ever run out of supplies if they use our programs. The 5 welfare programs are:

#1, The Rainy Day Tank & Food Program is one of our main supply program and it will supply any SFP member with 5 Q7 Tanks a day (300 Energy is included for players level 25 and under).

#2, The SFP bread line is a program that supply's our members with food every 5 to 7 days and it operates via the SFP chat wall.

#3, Pilot Phil is currently running commune jobs for all SFP/Bear Cavalry members, it supply's 7 Q7's a week (plus a bonus if you work a full week). At that pay it wouldn't make you much money but it can make things easier if you don't need the excess money but you need the tanks.

#4, Tanks for Tots is a program that was recently restarted by the Revolutionary Committee Chairman/Party President, Ghost of Tom Joad. It is a program that runs via newspaper articles and it will be included in every Socialist Freedom Press article. It supply’s 5 Q7 tanks to any eUS commenter that is below experience level 35.

#5, Government Cheese is the sister program to T4T, it supply’s 300 Q2 Food to any eUS citizen under level 35. Just like T4T this will be included in every SFPress article.

The October Representatives
By J.A. Lake

This month the SFP has three representatives in Congress, the most seen in many moons. The eUS Congress consists of sixty-two members, though the number fluctuates month-to-month based on the number of territories the eUSA has occupied.

Currently the three revolutionaries in Congress are J.A. Lake, Captain Recks, and Pilotphil. Below we’ll let the representatives introduce themselves:

Captain Recks:

Hey all, I recently joined congress for my very first time and I am looking forward to a good experience. There hasn't been much to do though, just voting on a few proposals and checking the congress section of the forum every now and then. The basics 😉

I know people say congress is a drag but so far I enjoy being a congressman and I hope they let me stay 😆

J.A. Lake:

This’ll be the second time I’m a Congressman, and although in my admittedly limited experience thus far nothing really happened in Congress I’m excited to be able to serve as a voice for the people. To that end, SFP or not I want to encourage everyone to message me with any concerns you have regarding the “government” or “policy” that the government undertakes. I guarantee a response within 24 hours. I do not fear smites or downvotes, and have in the past actively resisted the will of the governing clique (and received the aforementioned smites for it).

My platform of sorts is simply this: We need change, and in order to become prosperous again we need change now.

The government holds a responsibility to maintain activity in the eUSA and has fought a losing battle with bad tactics in an attempt to accomplish this. If you’ve got any ideas at all let me know, please.


So I am an official congressman now. Funny, I don’t feel any different. I mean obviously I am now more important and everyone should now look at me with a little more reverence and respect. Joking aside however, I want the thank the Feds that ran two of us Socialist Freedom Party members, and also the American Military Party that ran a couple of us as well. The SFP now has three sitting congressmen and we will all strive to bring our unique brand of idealism to congress.

So far I haven’t done a whole lot and honestly there hasn’t been a ton to do. I voted a couple times on things that were going to be slam-dunks anyway and that is really about it. Honestly, RL has taken over a bit so that is really all I have had time to do. Hopefully something will come up soon that is worth debating and I can earn a few smites on the forums.

If anyone out there SFP or not has suggestions or ideas for congress feel free to drop me a PM. I will listen to what you have to say and if I think it’s a good idea I might even be able to do something about it. If it’s a bat$h!t crazy idea I will tell you that too. Who knows, your idea might be the one that is both crazy AND a good idea. It is a pleasure to serve you all in congress and I will effort to do what I think is best for all of you and the eUSA.

Tanks for Tots:

Here is what you need to qualify for 5 q7 Tanks;

#1. You must be level 34 or under.

#2. You must be an eUS citizen

#3. Introduce yourself in the comments box. If you qualify, tanks will arrive shortly.

Government Cheese:

Here is what you will need to qualify for 300 Q2 Food;

#1.You need to be level 34 or under.

#2. You must be an eU.S. citizen.

#3. Introduce yourself, in the comments box. If you qualify, the food will arrive shortly.