[PSP] Part 1: The PTO Looney Toons Crew Is Back

Day 2,602, 11:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Internal Defense Bureau

Dear UK,

The situation is rather alarming. The PTOers are gathering forces to strike at Top 5 party position again, under the guidance of a known multier called VaultGuy.

Who is VaultGuy?

Older players know him well for being constantly banned for creating multiple accounts. One of his last accounts being:

He was the member of PTO parties like New Era, Vendetta and in July he helped BigAnt win the election by running as the blocker candidate in WRP, thus stopping Prof. Moriarty from getting the planned support. Ever since then he disappeared and we all know how that ended. BigAnt stole everything from organisations (public and private) and has never returned the money since.

What's VaultGuy up to now?

VaultGuy and Dapper are back and in full action, trying to lure people into new 'cool' MUs, create a new party and then merge it with other parties, eventually trying to reach Top 5.

The first step, bribe Alex Popovic and try to get him do the dirty work for them. How to be certain this is all true? Well take a look at this message provided by Alex Popovic:

So you wonder what was in this brilliant plan? Fasten your seat belts because this retard convention will sure make you laugh. It is a bit long, mostly revolves around getting to Top 5 and making sure Ser Fartsalot loses the race or gets impeached right away. Read it for yourself:

It's worth saying that not all people in that message were ready to PTO and few of them approached us, the good guys from the PSP, to warn us of the incoming danger.

Why did Alex do this?

Alex is a nice but very gullible person. VaultGuy has been showering him with gifts and money for days, all with the goal of using him for his PTO plans. These messages are quite revealing:

So who is the third person from three people team Alex is talking about?

Not a big surprise... It's You may call me V, AKA Dapper:

Dapper losing his marbles after Alex ditched him and trying to make him approve a known PTO account, Sir Winston:

In the next article you will find out how this former and now current PTO gang became relevant thanks to USA's government emissaries that came to the UK, more about VaultGuy's plans to buy slandering article votes and their current activities, as well as how Presidential Candidate that they are supporting refused to give any information that would portray them in bad light and promised VaultGuy his own ministry!

In the end the PSP wishes to thank all people who came forward with this information and to Alex who gave us all the screenshots:

Till the next time,

The Popovic Secret Police