[PROTEUS4PoTeUS] Let's Do This

Day 4,517, 15:18 Published in USA USA by Paul Proteus
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
Out of this stony rubbish ? Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images.

Look, this is what I was listening to while writing: mood music~

So, earlier this week, I announced my candidacy for President of the eUnited States. Since then I've been overwhelmed by the support I've received from all of you. And at this point, truly, you are all my friends, and your support means magnitudes.

PROTEUS4PoTeUS: With a little help from my friends

If it was 2015, this would be in the bag

Since announcing, I received the Federalist Endorsement for President by a margin of 13-0. Closer than I would like to be honest, but I'll take what I can get. I have also been endorsed by the Socialist Freedom Party, the American Military Party and the USWP. I cannot express how much that means to me. As we continue to play this game, the communities that we cultivate and protect become miraculous in of themselves. Since returning I have admired the activity and intensity I've seen in the SFP, just as I have cherished the familiarity of a home that remains in the Feds.

The best campaigns have multiple catchy alliterative slogans, clearly

That is all to say, I appreciate your support and I will not let you down.

Now in my last article, I expressed several ideas I wish to pursue. That is my platform. But, honestly, talk is cheap. I intend to accomplish everything I laid out, but that will be impossible without a team. And besides, a successful term is more than accomplishing objectives, it's reacting to the unknown and rising to every challenge. To do that, my team will perhaps be more important than myself.

So that brings us to our next segment:

PROTEUS4PoTeUS: Cabinet Building

Well, hopefully not "vs." so much as with. We'll see

I will admit, running for President was a relatively spur of the moment decision. I've had strong ideas since coming back, and this opportunity to air them has been valuable and in doing so, it has given me an opportunity to reflect.

While creating this cabinet, I tried very hard to not just create a political coalition, but rather put together the team that I think would best govern the eUS. In fact, by virtue of this being an uphill race against a fairly popular incumbent, I feel liberated. That means I am crossing coalition lines. That means I am picking people who both have been trenchantly in place forever and people who have been frozen out of government recently. That also means I am creating a proper team of rivals.

Simply put, having observed how the eUS is being governed, having seen who is putting forward solutions, and who is contributing in Congress, on Discord, and in the public forum of elife, this is who I want.

The Executive:

CP: Paul Proteus

If you'll have me

VP: zRTx

Vice President is a sinecure, a glorified advisor. It always has been. Better players than I have tried to make the role more involved. Better players have by and large failed.

So, instead of resisting, I'm deciding to lean in, and in doing so embrace nostalgia. When I was President of eSwitzerland, zRTx was my VP. Both terms. There was no purpose to it, except that I enjoyed talking with ios on IRC. Now, in the eUS, in the year 2020, zRTx seems to have occupied the position of eternal advisor. The shadow of his knowledge hangs over everyone's heads while he seems content to commit to very little. That sounds like a VP to me if I've ever heard of one.

CoS: Melissa Rose

In my opinion, Chief of Staff is the most important position in the cabinet. Presidencies succeed and fail based on the Chief of Staff. While the President is distracted, it's the Chief of Staff who makes sure work is actually getting done.

I am then incredibly fortunate to be running for President in a month where MR is actively playing, after all, Melissa Rose is one of the great Chiefs of Staff the eUS has ever had. Ask Yui if you don't believe me. And, as, many of you have seen, when MR is motivated, she is a force of nature.

So, it is with the utmost confidence that I introduce my Cabinet and this campaign with MR by my side.

The Defense Department

If the Chief of Staff is important because they help ensure all cylinders are firing, then the Defense Department is, bar none, the most important cylinder. Okay, look, metaphors and cars aren't my strong suit. The point is, we are entering into extremely volatile times when we will be needing the best the eUS has to offer to protect our regions and coordinate with our allies.


Secretary of Defense: PimpDollaz

Deputy SecDef: Hcdmadman

Look: I really was excited for Pimp's campaign last month. The idea of crafting policy to engage the community is exactly what I am looking for. Simply put, Pimp and Hcdmadman are players with ideas, and are who I want to guide my defense department toward new goals and new horizons. Pimp knows what he is doing, and I can think of no-one I'd rather have in this position.

NSC chair: Groot

Dep NSC Cthulu.

This is a position I am recreating but with a different purview, now to focus on coordinating our Defense with our allies and our citizens. I am not naive enough to believe I can walk into the Oval Office with a full understanding of the past several months of governance.

Look, I told you this isn't politics. I think Groot does a great job coordinating and managing the war module of this game. I'm not trying to pretend weaknesses exist where they don't. Instead I'm promising you a new way to engage with the executive, and that's a transition I want to do with the support of every major player in the eUS today.

Media Bureau

Are you surprised this part is important to me?

I truly believe we have underrated the importance of the Media department every month for the past decade. The way the government communicates with the public is of immense importance, and the way we shape our narratives feeds into how we make policy to begin with.

I want Media Secretaries who are able to report on the administrations decisions because they help create them. Beyond that, I want a media department that publishes more than just WHPRs, but educates and runs programs to help our citizenry. To that extent, I have decided to have two SecMeds operating independently, both using the WHPR and every organization we can get our hands on.

That's right.

Secretary of Media - Monday Editions: Max Planck

Max is, in my view, perfect for this job. He is smart, informed, and a good writer. Over the past few months, I have found reading his articles to be incredibly informative and entertaining. More importantly, I have seen him give advice. And to be honest, its advice I want. In terms of foreign policy, in terms of politics, in terms of everything. Beyond that, it's advice our citizens deserve as well.

Max will be tasked with keeping the eUS informed with everything we as a cabinet do.

Secretary of Media - Friday Editions: Tyler Bubblar

Tyler was my SecMed last time I was President. He did a great job. His writing is infectious, and his willingness to go all out is exactly what I want for my Friday edition.

Tyler will run educational guides, publish deep dive interviews with cabinet members, and run media contests with the aim to better inform the public. Look, Tyler is great, and he absolutely shines. That he agreed is both totally nostalgic and also a public good.

Department of Interior

To do: ask someone where all the national parks are in erepublik anyway
Image credit

Secretary of Interior: Apollo221

Deputy SecInt: Hale Kane

This department as I envision it hasn't existed. So I find it somewhat appropriate to tap Apollo, who hasn't been active in game but who has been on Discord for months and who is eager and willing to follow through on the ambitious programs I have in mind for this.

I've worked with Apollo in the Feds for years, and in addition to being a fun and driven player to work with, his efforts in every job I've seen him take in this game have never been short of excellent. I'm exceedingly excited to get the chance to work with him again.

NASA Director: Yui

Yui has personally come to me looking for a position. Now, we all know Yui is a great player who can achieve great things. Still, I was initially reticent given his lack of recent experience. Then I realized I had the perfect position. Under my administration, Yui will revive NASA and do his best to bring more players into our community. Quixotic? Perhaps. Worth a shot - and Yui's effort? Certainly.

Congressional Liaison and Director of Accountability: Hale Kane

Since I've been back, Congress and the Executive have had a lot of...latent hostility. There's no reason for this. As President, I will have Hale Kane, another good friend recently back to the eUS, do the important work of coordinating with Defense and Interior to make sure all expenditures are recorded and give frequent updates to Congress from the executive.

Before you say anything about the swords as letters, you have to remember the 2010's were crazy drug-filled times

So that's what I have so far. I'm sure it will raise questions. But here's the best part: if you're not on this list, and you want to be involved, send me a message

At this point, we're all hands on deck. And together, we are going to achieve greatness


Paul Proteus