[Parliament] 26th-27th June Session

Day 3,141, 04:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Good afternoon lads o/,

Congrats to all those to be confirmed as MPs tomorrow, I’ll open up the Speakership nominations early and will just remove candidates that aren’t eligible after the routine admin ‘check’.

Speaker Nominations

Any incoming MP can nominate themselves for the Speakership in the comments section below, with the vote taking place next session. Bear in mind they ought to be trustworthy as the NMU budget is kept on the Parliamentary Org.

Training War with Canada – Government Motion - Passed 'on the nod'

Terms can be found ‘ere - http://prntscr.com/bjqjb7

A reminder

Any eUK Citizen can propose any idea they have for improvement to either Government or Parliament here. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts in the comments below!

