[NEW] Join Platinum Gentlemen's Club!

Day 3,055, 00:27 Published in Israel Israel by MiczuTG

Freedom followers! Free market lovers! Patriots!

Let me introduce you...

Platinum Gentlemen's Club

The one and only party following the idea of conservative liberalism.

We believe in freedom and justice.
On those values we want to build our identity, because it's the only way to develop, to achieve success!

We believe in traditional values.
Because it's the only way to preserve our national integrity and strength. It's the only way to keep us here all together, as a strong community, able to defend its borders.

We are the only anti-socialist coalition
Because freedom is universal, and everyone is maker of his fate. No more control, no more robbery!

Join now, and breathe fresh air!
Party's page

MiczuTG, Prime Minister of eIsrael and Party President of Platinum Gentlemen's Club