[MrCarey] Get to Know Me

Day 2,786, 22:36 Published in USA USA by MrCarey

What’s goin on eUSA?! I thought I’d do a little something fun while also adding in a little bit of appreciation along the way. It’s been a long and interesting road for me in this eWorld. Every time a new month comes around, I seem to get more and more involved in this community.

As I’m sure most of you already know, I’ve been appointed as Chief of Staff in Tyler Bubblar’s cabinet. If you didn’t know that, you should really read more newspapers. With my appointment to this position which I am super grateful for, I feel like I should make an extra effort to reach out to you wonderful people in the eUSA. So grab yourself a nice beverage, perhaps even a snack, and come with me on a journey to better know and understand who MrCarey is!

I came into this eWorld on November 30th, 2009. Lost and confused, yet intrigued, I found my way around as I wandered from page to page. I had never seen a “game” quite like this one before. The whole geopolitical genre was something new to me, but it seemed super interesting. I checked out all the tabs, followed an interactive tutorial from Plato, and started figuring things out.

I figured out that on the surface, all this was was some platform where you trained for strength, worked for money, and just kept doing that over and over. But then after a barrage of mail, I found this was so much more; there was an entire community network deeper within. There were forums, a chat client called IRC that looked like it was pulled right out of the 90’s, and google forms that enrolled you in military units and other programs.
I eventually got to a level where I could join a political party. So I went and looked through the list, and ended up choosing America’s Advancement Party. It seemed to be what I was looking for in a party, and I definitely wanted to get into the political aspect of this game. I mean, come on… you could potentially become the President of a country comprised of real people; how cool is that?! I figured this would be the first stepping stone on my way up the political ladder. So I joined up and I met people like: Dell Fargus, PigInZen, Mercurius100, Disco Musolini, Emmanuel Cruise, and others. While I was a member of AAP, I ran for congress in the state of Kansas and was endorsed by PIZ and Dell Fargus. I didn’t win that election, but it was all good. After that I joined in the Communications Department and served as the Director of Communication for a short time.
I even got involved on the big stage in the Department of Interior and helped send messages on behalf of the Welcoming Committee.
While I was getting settled in my new political party home, I was also poking around in the military. I ended up joining the Training Corps, and went through the training period. I was trainee 832 in the 111th Platoon. Shortly after joining the Training Corps, I was promoted to the 112th Platoon as the Executive Officer. I remember meeting Bia Pandora during that time. I also remember it was a very involved job with a lot of work, but I enjoyed it.

But then it all stopped. Like a freight train hitting a brick wall. I don’t remember what happened - it was such a long time ago. I guess I got distracted maybe. But I disappeared from eRepublik near the end of the UK-USA War. I happened to log in 6 months after my disappearance (July 2010), and I even wrote an article about it. But I didn’t stick around for long. The next article I wrote after that was quite some time later it was another “I’m back” article in July 2012. It appears that all my “coming backs” were just “poking my head in to see what’s going on.” I also seem to have a thing for coming back in July, because July 2014 I came back one more time, but this time, it was for real.

July 2014, I came back and joined We The People. Immediately I asked for a position somewhere. I knew that if I was keeping myself busy I’d stick around. Sure enough, it worked. My first job in WTP was Deputy Chief of Staff. From there I went on to be a Deputy Director of Media and Deputy Director of Retention. I ended up running for congress again and this time, got in; finishing 2nd in the primary elections. I even ended up running for Party President and got elected for 2 terms. In the meantime, I joined in the eUSA Media Department while Tyler Bubblar was running his first presidency, and even was appointed Director of Education. When I took over as Director of Education, it was already mid term, and the department had been neglected. I was pretty much thrown in the room with a book they called the “transition package” and was on my own. I gathered some deputies to help out and we got the Question of the Day up and running again, we got the American University up and running again, and a new, cleaner website was made.

However, life is never simple, and so goes the same for eRep life. November rolled around, and I was getting closer and closer on buying a house with my wife. At the same time, I was on a nominating committee for my church and was actually in charge of that. We were getting super close to hiring a new pastor, so I knew that was going to require lots of time and energy from me. I knew there was no way I’d be able to maintain the same level of effort and dedication to eRepublik while I was going through these real life situations. I wasn’t going to do what I had done in the past though. I wasn’t going to just suddenly drop everything and disappear. Over the course of the month of November 2014, I slowly and gradually stepped away from my responsibilities, and slowly faded out of the game.

But I’m back now! The house has been purchased, we’re settled in, and I’m good to go. I came back in May, just a couple months ago. Not July this time, and I’m glad that’s the case. Since I’ve been back, I’ve been Director of Media in WTP, I was running the American University again, and now I’ve now been honored with the position of Chief of Staff for our fine nation of eAmerica. I’m super excited about this opportunity, and I can’t thank Tyler Bubblar enough for providing me with such an opportunity. I’m bringing the same level of dedication and effort to this position that I had brought to the Party President Position when I was PP of We The People. This is going to be an awesome month not only for myself but for all of us as an eNation! We’ve got a lot planned in the executive and a great group of people to execute it.

I truly hope you took the time to read this through and you learned some things about myself. I also hope you know me better now than you have in the past. I love talking with those of you who hang out on IRC. It’s always a good time for sure, if you aren’t on IRC, I strongly urge you to sign up. It’ll make your eRepublik experience so much fuller. Until next time, take care and roll on.

Chief of Staff, eUSA
Director of Media, WTP
Congressman, WTP