[MoE] - Training contract update

Day 2,285, 13:56 Published in Canada Canada by Utat

As always, admin "offer" us a contract which need a few explanation.

So the offer are :


- for 25G : you will save 50% of your spendings on training grounds for 720 hours
-For 53G : you will save 90% of your spendings on training grounds for 720 hours

Is it a good deal ? Well depends for who in fact. Lets do so math with this little tab

When the square is in yellow, it means that it is best offer for you.

Keep in mind that I only considered spendings (who didn’t change unlike quality of your training grounds). It is obvious that higher the quality of your training grounds : faster you will gain a super soldier medal and higher will be your refund in 30 days

By example : if you use all your training grounds and they aren’t upgraded : it will cost you 71.52G every 30 days (without contract)
Now same case, but the same training grounds are now in Q4 : it will cost you 31.02G every 30 days (without contract).

Well, with every training grounds in Q4 + a 90% contract : it will cost you 6.53G every 30 days (it is after profits from super soldiers medals). It means that you only need to gain a Hardworker and gain a level per month.
Since there is weekly contest : you can gain some strength there. Depending Plato’s “generosity” : you can almost win 250 strength per month => 5G