[MoE] - Minister of Education - How to get&spend Gold

Day 2,108, 14:44 Published in Canada Canada by Utat

eRepublik Gold is a fictional currency used in the eRepublik World. You can spend it to get additional features within the game.

How to get gold

You will gain Gold by the following ways

- Win a medal (5 Gold per medal)
- Raise your experience level (1 Gold per level)
- Invest your real life money into the game (not the best idea in my opinion)
- Exchange your Local currency into the monetary market to gold

Gold is useful for the following things

- Buy a company
- Create a newspaper (2 Gold). Attention, you can’t remove a newspaper
- Use some training grounds
- Use Health pack (not the best idea for a young player too)
- Create a political party (40 Gold)
- Upgrade your company

If you are new, the best for you is to SAVE your gold. Strength training is a great investment and is MUCH better than everything else.

Why focus on Strength ??

A) You receive 5 Gold for every 250 points (Super Soldier medal)

B ) It is cumulative and necessary to become a stronger soldier to help your team

C) It will give you more rank points with each fight and make it
slightly easier to win a Battle Hero in your Division (low levels need less strength)

D) It pays for itself and offers long-term benefits

STRENGTH PRO-TIP 1: Upgrade your Free Training facility to Q3 ASAP, then the 0.19 Gold facility, then the 1.79 facility later on (only if you have a supply of Gold for investing in training!). The 1.49 Gold facility is the least efficient and should be upgraded the very last, if at all. Try to do your upgrades during a 45% off promo (which comes around every 2 months or so)

STRENGTH PRO-TIP 2: Keep 5 Gold in reserve so that you can always use 0.19 Gold Facility ~ it will cover some of its own costs when you receive the 5 Gold Super Soldier reward.

Having more Strength early on in lower Divisions (Div 1 & Div 2) may allow you to win Battle Hero medals that will bring in some extra Gold, too.

Enjoy !!!