[Federalist Party] #Trump2016: Orikfricai4President

Day 2,994, 19:27 Published in USA USA by Paul Proteus
Where the f--- did Monday go?

It's just us~

Federalists, Americans, I come bearing good news. First, with the support of our party DMJ is now the Speaker of the House. He's a good dude, he's probably not going to flee the country, and he's really a great SoH for Congress and the country.

Secondly, we're fielding a Federalist candidate for President, so that's pretty exciting. Receiving a close 89% of votes in our primary, the Federalist Party will support Orikfricai for President.

Orik, your image keeps failing, so this is you now

To be serious for a moment, Orik is a good dude, but better than that he's super competent. This party would not be where it is today without his constant work the past few months. I'm pretty happy to be able to both support him this month as PP, as well as vote for him. You really should too.

The Federalist Party: Your number one stop for photoshopped logos. Presumably other things.

Moving on,

That's cool you say, I'm super psyched to vote for Orik, but what can I do in the meantime? Glad you asked yo, here are some pretty sick Federalist games for your own enjoyment:

but Feds cuz Feds

-Thanks to Melissa Rose, and kyerby, we now have Federalist Wheel of Fortune, high stakes, vowels, all that jazz!: Fed Forum Wheel of Fortune

-Also, ask Aramec anything, preferably creepy and private: AMA: Aramec, hobbit hobo

-And finally, cashmoney prizes for a forum scavenger type deal: Girls just wanna have fun: the MR autobiography and scavenger hunt.

That's, all for now,
Until next time,
Paul Proteus,
Fed Party President,
President of the Tenshibo fan club

Until next time~