[Everything] Generic 'IT'S A NEW TERM!' Title

Day 2,456, 17:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Fataliix

Full transparency in this Ministry: I nicked that image straight from Google

Welcome to the premier article for the only Official Ministry of Everything. I, Fataliix, will be your one and only Official Minister of Everything. Unless someone else decides to make an Official Ministry of Everything, in which case I will be one of your Official Ministers of Everything for one of your Official Ministries of Everything. Simple.

Still there? You're a fool.

"But Fataliix, you're a member of the Dental Corps, why didn't you apply for a position in Wayne's cabinet?" I hear you whine. The super legitimate truth is that I was simply deemed too valuable to be stuck with one job; hence the Ministry of Everything. There was definitely no rejection and butthurt involved!

It's almost as if she knows I'm full of sh*t

As with all newspapers ever created, I will start with an interview that I promise will be the first of many but won't ever actually bother with all the hassle again for 3 bloody article votes.
So without further ado, I present the first in my brand spanking new interview series, "I swear there'll be more of these, please subscribe I need to feel validated"

The subject of my interview is the most attractive man in the nation, Alex Popovic!

To begin with, what's it been like these first couple of days working under the biggest WanKerr in the game?

"Well to tell the true I"ve been messaged from WayneKerr and very pleasent surprised when he told me in the message that he appoint me as newly elected Prime Minister of eUK,still can"t believe my eyes.It"s very great feeling to be in the cabinet and working under as you said the biggest and by the way compleately agree with you player such WayneKerr.

I"ve never dreamed of being in the any Gouverment and to have place in it.I must say that I"ve been applying to various candidates from the one of TUP,than even to Kaptain Johnson-UKRP and if you want it in the past I"ve applied many times but never had a chance to be in the Gouverment."

Yes, you'll find we're quite benevolent in DC if you rub us in the right places. Now on a more serious matter, would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?

"What"s the question is that Fataliix,can"t understand.Is it puzzle 😃.
Well I"ve think I"ll rather fight with 1 horse-sizedduck.Am I correct?"

As Prime Minister, it is upon you to make difficult decisions when the President is otherwise incapacitated (rea😛 drunk). With Wayne in charge, this is pretty much a guaranteed constant. How have you been dealing with the stress of such an important position?

"Well this past days it was pretty hard for me but as I have sort of support from CP it"s a bit easy.Yes when the President incapacitated-drunk 😃 or whatever I have to take that responsibility to make difficult decisions and yes it"s upon me to do that.

Makeing hard decision conceirning Country,that sentence I"ve missed to put at this answer"

What is your opinion on the current PTO situation? With the squirrels and S.H.I.T firmly in control, I'm forced to ask; Did you have any knowledge of their plans before the Presidential elections?

"Well from the beginning and probably you might know my stance about PTO.Never supported PTO and will not ever support PTOing.PTO is bad for any country,not just for eUK.Also S H I T and squerls I haven"t any knoledge of them,even don"t know who they are."

Are we to believe that you are working to mitigate the current PTO from the inside? It is a poorly-kept secret that you are planning to stage a coup d'état during this term.

"If you are refereing that I am planning to leave UK you are wrong.Not leave UK.UK is my second eCountry and if you need to know if I am not leaving in RL Serbia,I would rather leave in UK.As I said don"t quit understand the first part of your sentence and what is meaning "coup d"etat" that expression."

I understand that you don't wish to divulge your plans!
If you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I drink your milkshake. I drink it up! How would you inform the public of such a happening?

"hahahaha really funny question Fataliix,like it and like you.Well it would be our secret 😃.Just jokeing,well probably I"ve call it steeling,if I am correct.Am I ?."

Please comments .?.

"What comments ?.Maybe if you don"t drink it my milkshake,I"ve keep quit,but as probably you would than logicly it would be steeling my milkshake and takeing over from me,right?."

Isn't that a nice shade of blue? It took me about 3 seconds to choose that shade of blue, but I'm really glad I didn't rush the decision.

Cheers to our Prime Minister and future Overlord, Aleksandar.V Popovic, for being a part of history.

Hail Wayne! for now...

~ Let's get together and cuddle
Fataliix, currently the only Official Minister of Everything