[EN] Government Report - August 15th

Day 2,460, 05:00 Published in Cuba Cuba by Bank of eCuba

Greetings to all,

I regret taking so long to post this first article. I hope that you understand it is not the best month to be active players, but that doesn't mean that we are not working.

I want to take this first article, with one week accomplished in Government, to reaffirm my commitment to transparency in public management, as well as the periodic and accurate information to the Cuban people.

Also, to call on all members of our community to keep calm and respect times. People should monitor the Government, and judge him by his acts, but on his work, and not work in progress. I ask for patience and confidence, which is what this Government needs to work for our country.
Hail Cuba! Hail Cuban People!

It has been a few hectic days on which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not stopped contacting with various countries to know the situation in which we find ourselves.

We have chosen not to renew our MPP with Chile and we want to thank all the support given during these months of Alliance, a nation to which all Cubans will keep a special appreciation; however sometimes contexts require us to make difficult decisions. We wish the best to the Andean nation, which we are confident that we will again have news, and our paths will be to mix.

MPP with Argentina has been renewed, it is sister nation to which we believe, and efforts are being made so that the cooperation between the two countries is real, to be able to forge a stronger brotherhood if it is possible.

We have made contact with different nations of all over the eWorld, although we have to highlight the efforts carried out by Nations such as Mexico, Venezuela or Norway to come to us, so they are completely grateful, and hope that our relations continue to improve over time.

Finally, we have focused our efforts in exploring new ways and approach new countries that in the past we didn't have as much relationship, including Colombia, Portugal and Uruguay, Nations with which we hope to continue to strengthen our relations in order to become, more than allies, brothers.

[img]The Ministry of defence has already assumed the command of the Fuerzas Armadas de Cuba. Recent amendments to the system of militias, as well as the already-proposed reform of the status of the FAC, will allow better management of them. The system of suppiles has already been instituted, and Minister is working on an IRC bot that will allow us to even improve it.[/img]The first coordinated attack with eColombia, which we hope to be the first of many, was a success and allowed us to begin to establish links with this country, which we hope that will strengthen soon.

The Ministry of economy will soon establish a group for MM “playing”. Anyone who has experience "playing" in the money market and wants to participate can register by writing to Ygritte Gonsales.

In addition, and what is most important. It is already operating the ECONOMY TRANSPARENCY DOCUMENT. Verifiable in real time by any Cuban citizen, so that you know what all are intended for the funds of Cuba.

It must been said that the General State budgets (PGEs) have not definitely been fixed, and that, obviously, the taxes collected are updated the day after.

ChaniryXII, to whom the Government wants to many successes as President of the Partido del Pueblo Cubano, has made a brand new job with our Education website.

You can view it here: Education website

¡AtWar Tornament Starts!

AtWar is an online game of military strategy in real time. Depending on how many players sign up will be played on the world map or on a regional one.
All registrations must be made to Emperox1990,
with the subject "AtWar". Registrations will be closed on August 17th. There will be two daily games from the 18th until the 24th of August.

In the game, you will be able to set up alliances without any kind of ban. However, drawn up a ranking by points, assigning, on the winning side, 15 points to the winning player who possess more territories at the end of the game, 12 points to the second, 10 the third and five points the rest of players winning. Players belonging to the losing side only will score 1 point.

In few more games involved, greater chance of winning. The winners of the tournament will receive succulent prizes in the form of tanks.

Do you want extra income? What about playing poker?

Every day, from August 18th, will be held a poker timba on channel #e.Cuba. It will be opened to all players who wish to do so, provided that they fit in the table.

To participate, you will need to install the software PokerTH. You can participate by creating an account, or simply with your nick as unregistered user. Depending on the will of the players, you could place real bets with CUPs; However, one award shall be granted to the winner of each game of the boat provided by the State.

Among other news, we highlight:
The vote on the Constitution of Cuba.
The vote on the law of management and transparency of the properties of the State, the status of the Cuban armed forces, the status of transparency and national organizations, the Statute of the public IRC channels and the Statute of the Forum.
The proclamation of CheetahCurtis as Emperor of the Cuban press.

Spanish version: http://www.erepublik.com/es/article/2423855/1/20