[CSD] And Now For Your Regularly Scheduled Propaganda Before Congressional Elections

Day 2,865, 07:33 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Hi Milos here. Have you been wondering about which party you should vote for? Tired of having to actually think about all the candidates and how they ordered? Looking for an easy way to PTO our country? Well now voting has never been easier with this handy dandy guide to becoming a savvy political operant in the crushing bureaucracy that we call the eCzech Republic.

Here are some quick tips for how you might decide on who to vote for:

1.) Dice-rolling
--Take a fair dice
--Write CSD on all the sides
--Roll it
--Whatever side it lands on, that's which party you vote for
--ez 10/10

Now you may be thinking, "heyyyy why would I decide who I vote for arbitrarily?" The secret is that really you control what sides the dice have, so if you make all the sides on party, you are guaranteed to make the same decision every time with this method! Anyone who disagrees clearly doesn't understand the fundamentals of probability and should go back to kindergarten.

2.) Issues-based voting
--Think about partisan issues that might help you distinguish between the parties.
--Write them down on a piece of paper.
--Compare each party's views.
--Take that paper and throw it in the traaaaaash.
--Vote for CSD.

This is one is a little more intensive, but basically you arrive at the same result. A platform of helping newbies, maintaining strong foreign relations, and giving out some daily supplies to encourage people to work here and stick around. Technically speaking, every party supports these sorts of things, but to different extents, and when you think of what democratic socialist principles are, perhaps you might be so inclined to think that one party believes in these more broadly than the others.

We're also just a cool party. When we're not arguing with the other parties. God, I just want one party where I can break a pinata or play Twister, just once in my life...

3.) Ideology based voting
--Please don't do this one.
--very partisan wow /doge
--Every party has pretty competent people in them.
--So like no matter who you vote for, everyone wins.
--Just kidding our party is better HEYYYYYYYYY


4.) Conquer the eRepublik headquarters.
--Get rid of all elections.
--Go in a spaceship to the sun.
--Throw the entire elections into the sun so they can never return.
--You've gotten rid of elections forever.
--Vote for the CSD anyway.

This one is probably the hardest one to do, since it requires building an entire spaceship AND destroying an abstract idea, then transcending its destruction to vote anyway, but if we all max out our credit cards, I'm sure we can get a good start on funding at least the rocket ship aspect of the project. Until that Kickstarter/Patreon/whatever gets funded though, you should vote for us anyway.

If you wanted real reasons to vote for our party, you can always ask and/or elect a different party president besides me ayy lmao.

Warm regards,