[C4] Captains For December/January

Day 2,216, 08:42 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

➺ The 15th is upon us once again Cockers. We have a couple changes in the lineup to announce this time. BeachBunny will be taking over for long-time Captain of the 2nd AtomicGerbal and Malovent will be taking over the 7th in TimbusReven’s stead.

Endorsed Captains:

1st Regiment - RegencyEra
2nd Regiment - BeachBunny
3rd Regiment - Neron Trocki
4th Regiment - ArtSBobo
5th Regiment - Xavier3
6th Regiment - Dalan Di Celes
7th Regiment - Malovent

Please show you Captain some love and vote for him or her on the 15th. o7

✍ Haselrig
Commanding Officer, C4