[B&W Switzer]International Situations (Malaysia, Brazil, Australia and Romania)

Day 2,361, 06:35 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

Good day to everyone,
This is my 31st article, usualy i will write 1 article per 2 days now i will tell you about Malaysia, Brazil, Australia and Romania..

Enjoy your newspaper..


This month malaysia have a president from not native malaysian people, Rhual known as a hungarian player, but he is the man that respected by his enemy and his friend..
As a president of Malaysia he promised a MPP with a country which has and will have battles. He offered it from his own money (because eMY does not have income and as He promised He won't touch the money which is outside of the treasury, moreover it's handled by not him). In the end they chosen a country which has a common MPP with Thailand. He announced that eMalaysia will keep her neutrality, eMalaysia will never be pro-Asteria, neither pro-Sirius nor pro-Aurora, so it means only 1 month cooperation to increase our fighting.

And soon they will have TW with Indonesia,


Today a partnership between DC and MdC is officially signed to the relaunch of the Ombudsman Project.

The Ombudsman is a form which will always be available to citizen of brazil, in order to be a means of communication among the various existing between government and population, in which citizen of brazil can send his/her criticism, suggestions and even questions that they want to see answered by articles, or if personally prefer the former .

When completing the form they may or may not identify their will be an option, but if you use this tool, with reasonableness and proportionality.

The office is extremely important to the functioning government is listening to opinions , ideas and receiving critical that we enhance our work and improve the situation between government and population.


NE Romania against the Ukraine was crucial to be able to link the new regions was discussed and accepted by Ukraine and their Polish friends. They said that it was their understanding and depended on them. Rejection of NE law on them collapsed Ukraine plans to link as Hungary immediately proposed NE law in Ukraine and Subcarpathia attack ahead of them to return to the regions they held two months ago .

Although the failure of NE law has been much discussed, they agreed to try again to propose NE law on Ukraine to even attempt to limit sprawl proportions Bulgarian and Hungarian and secure regions of Moldova (closing Podolia) etc.. Answer but not left waiting, this time in front of sabotage being done without any hiding as a NE laws on Bulgaria, totally unnecessary in the present moment and that violates the NAP site between countries ASTERIA and Bulgaria.

The Result is:: Hungary will attack Subcarpathia and then Galicia, before we can to get a NE law against Ukraine to close one of the regions.. From there way into regions where Ukraine is over just start the occupied regions of Bulgaria..


They will make the baby boom plans and how it will be a competitions for Australian community that can win 100 gold and help their community and country at the same time, Australian CP (called PM)) plans is to help bring together their Military Units with greater communication so they can hit hard as one and not as separate entities..

He have earmarked a one off donation from the downgrading of unusable Government companies to encourage their MU’s and help them.. The idea is to help show their MU’s that communication and unity equals community and they can achieve more by working together..

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

[Advance] Bottle Advance Project for new player and a baby..

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Do you want to make your country better??


Black Whiter