[Alternativa] 40 godina demokratije u Portugaliji, i intervju sa ReiLusitano (SRB/EN) - saznajte sve o situaciji u ePortugaliji

Day 2,713, 10:09 Published in Serbia Japan by Guardia di Rocca

For English version please scroll below. 🙂

Dragi čitaoci,

Pre svega, želimo celom narodu Portugalije da čestitamo današnji nacionalni praznik: Dan slobode.
Pre tačno 41-u godinu u Portugaliji je počeo puč koji je doveo do promene višedecenijske autoritativne diktature u liberalnu demokratiju. Narod koji je izašao na ulice je kao simbol želje za mirnim promenama poklanjao pučistima karanfile, tako da su oni postali simbol ovih događanja, i po njima je ova revolucija dobila naziv: Revolucija karanfila. Iako nije bilo većeg krvoprolića, u ovim događajima je ipak stradalo četvoro ljudi.

Na prvu godišnjicu revolucije, pre tačno 40 godina, su održani prvi slobodni izbori u Portugaliji.

Kao što smo u prethodnom broju i najavili, u današnjem izdanju možete pročitati intervju sa ReiLusitano
bivšim predsednikom Portugalije, i doskorašnjim ministrom finansija. Od njega iz prve ruke možete da saznate sve o aktuelnom stanju, puču i diktaturi u Portugaliji, po njegovom viđenju situacije.

1) Za početak reci nam nešto o sebi?

eRođen sam 11-og jula 2011-e godine i za manje od dva meseca eživota postao sam kongresmen i koordinator Portugalskog eRepublik wiki projekta. 2012-e sam prestao da igram na oko godinu dana. 2013-e sam se vratio i za to vreme mnogo toga se promenilo. Naučio sam kako da se prilagodim promenama i opet sam postao kongresmen( 17 puta do sada), potpredsednik kongresa (4 puta) predsednik kongresa (3 puta) , premijer (jednom) predsednik (jednom) i ministar finansija (8 puta).

2) Možeš li ukratko opisati građanima Srbije sveukupnu političku situaciju u Portugaliji?

Većina ljudi se oseća izdano i protiv je diktatora. To je jasno vidljivo samo ako bacite pogled na novine izdate u Portugaliji, ili na nekoliko članaka koje smo izdali, u kojima je jasno primetno nezadovoljstvo civila pučem koji su izveli portugalski tenkovi i Visa igrači (sa zlatnim statusom). Tri od pet partija u kongresu je javno osudilo puč. U Kongresu, nekoliko Kongresmena koji su bili pro-pučistički orijentisani, a koji su i izdali demokratiju odavajući pučistima izvesne poverljive informacije, su bili banovani sa foruma. Kongres nikada nije odobrio puč, i upravo suprotno, Kongres je odobrio trošenje zaliha na odbranu demokratije, odnosno u ovom slučaju, za njenu obnovu.

3) Pre nekoliko dana desio se vojni udar u Portugaliji. Znam da ne podržavaš trenutnog diktatora, a video sam da si se žalio u članku na to što su puč započeli baš po napadu Portugalije na Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, kada ste već potrošili dosta novca na KO. Možeš li mi reći nešto o tome, kao i o trenutnom portugalskom diktatoru?

O tome sam pisao u članku: Puč su dugo planirali, od dana kada je ta mogućnost uvedena u igru. Bivši komandant UMP-a, Andre3567, bio je kongresmen i Predstavnik Kongresa, dok sam ja bio njegov zamenik. Pokušao je da me ubedi da Kongres podrži zavođenje diktature u zemlji kao potez predostrožnosti. Ali, Kongres je to odbio i poveo nove rasprave kako da zaštiti novac i uloži ga u demokratiju, rasprave koje se rezultirale zakonima koji su sada na snazi. Andre3567 i Thydan bili su kongresmeni s jakim vezama u inostranstvu, kod saveznika i drugih. Kada su uvideli da neće ubediti Kongres da podrži diktaturu, Andre3567 je počeo da se ponaša loše, toliko da mu je oduzeta funkcija Predstavnika zbog stava o diktaturi u diskusijama, i da je 2 puta banovan zbog odavanja informacija i lošeg rada, budući da je nekoliko dana po preuzimanju dužnosti otišao rekavši da više ne želi da bude u Portugaliji.
Shvativši da im Kongres neće ostvariti snove, počeli su da regrutuju tenkove i lažu saveznike, i sačekali trenutak da posegnu za vlašću. Najveći im je problem bilo javno mnjenje, kao pozamašna količina novca u portugalskom trezoru. Znali su da oba ta problema moraju rešiti kako bi uspeli. Portugalski predsednik, Kazuto, odlučio je da napadne Portugaliju, iako je znao da mu Kongres neće dopustiti da potroši previše novca. Kako su ga komandanti jedinica podsticali na rat, probio je budžetsko ograničenje od 350 000 cc za KO koje je sam odredio u Kongresu. Kada sam se ja, u to vreme kongresmen i ministar finansija, logovao pri kraju dana, video sam da je predsednik uzeo više od utvrđenog limita, preko 650 000 cc i da se spremao da uzme još. Zato sam mu oduzeo pristup novcu, umanjivši finansijsku katastrofu koja je zadesila naš fond za očuvanje demokratije.
-Budući da predsednik nije stao kada je trebalo i nije poštovao volju Kongresa, došlo je do krize. Tako su, iznenada, igrači koji su se zalagali za diktaturu dobili odličnu priliku da deluju:
-Kongres je bio na korak od svrgavanja predsednika (to se, na kraju, nije dogodilo jer je drugoplasirani igrač na izborima poznat kao trol/prevarant).
-Javnost je bila zbunjena i razočarana događajima. Kako Kongres nije objavio važne informacije o svemu tome, igrači kao što su thydan, andre3567 i sucateir0 započeli su medijski rat protiv vlade i ministra finansija, pokušavajući da pridobiju podršku za svoj cilj ili da u najmanju ruku spreče ostatak zajednice da se bori kada kucne čas za odbranu demokratije.
-Suma se u trezoru skoro prepolovila zbog nedopuštenog troška za CO koji je napravio predsednik.
-Kongres je bio fokusiran na druga pitanja, poput sprečavanja zloupotrebe moći, kako bi primetio da se tenkovi grupišu i da zagovornici diktature čak dovlače i saveznike, lažući ih da puč želi čitava Portugalija.
Dva dana po okončanju bitke u Britaniji, zagovornici diktature su se bunili zbog blokiranja novca za CO, pokušavajući da manipulišu javnim mnjenjem i prevedu igrače na svoju stranu. Tako su iznenada započeli puč, a na odbranu od njega potrošili smo ostatak novca u trezoru. Tako se pokazalo da ti igrači ne samo što su imali dosta novca da se bore, već da taj novac nisu upotrebili u borbi protiv UK za koju su govorili da smo je izgubili zato što vlada nije odobrila dodatan trošak za CO u poslednjim minutima. Svi su se Portugalci zapitali zašto taj novac nisu iskoristili za CO tokom bitke. Zašto bi takozvane patriote čuvale novac umesto da ga potroše za zemlju da bi dva dana nakon toga tim novcem zaveli diktaturu. Svima je postalo jasno njihovo licemerje! Dosta njih nije imalo portugalsko državljanstvo, ali ih je većina podstakla predsednika da troši preko mere bez odobrenja Kongresa, a sami nisu dali ništa od velike sume novca koju su imali! To su čuvali za zavođenje diktature.
Dakle, javnost je bila zbunjena, saveznici slagani a vlada razmatrala da se raspusti. Tu priliku su sačekali i iskoristili, izazvavši veliko nezadovoljstvo u portugalskom društvu.
Tek je posle puča Kongres objavio tajne informacije, budući da diskusije i glasanje traju najmanje 48 sati. To je bilo prekasno da bi sprečilo ono što se dogodilo, ali nije bilo prekasno da pokaže čitavoj Portugaliji ko su izdajice koje su se dočepale vlasti. Na osnovu privatnih poruka, četova na irc-u i diskusija na forumu, postalo je jasno da su imali jasan plan od početka i da su svima manipulisali kako bi postigli šta žele.
To je rezime skorašnje mračne istorije e-Portugalije. Pozivam vas sve da istražite i proverite te informacije na našem forumu i objavama demokratskog pokreta.

4) Ove nedelje je, (u tom trenutku) zvanični ministar inostranih poslova Portugalije pokušao kroz vojni puč da postane diktator Japana, iako je Japan blizak saveznik Srbije, a i puno Srba živi u Japanu. To bi moglo takođe negativno uticati i na odnose Srbije i Portugalije. Šta nam o tome možeš reći, kao i o igraču koji je pokušao da postane diktator u Japanu?

-Ministar inostranih poslova Squibeel je odabran od strane diktatora. U petom redu Squibeel kaže da ga je diktatura pitala da bude njihov MoFA, i dalje ispod u tekstu on je u osnovi rekao da je to prihvatio kako bi mogao da nastavi sa svojim poslom. Svi ostali ministri su bili promenjeni (ili im nije postavljena zamena pošto su se povukli sa pozicije), jer nisu hteli da sarađuju sa diktatorom. Ja sam bio ministar finansija, a dao sam ostavku posle bitke sa UK, usled neovlašćenog i preteranog trošenja državnog novca od strane predsednika..
Možete i sami videti koliko je istinski opasna diktatura u Portugaliji. Diktator je odlično znao da će Squibeel pokrenuti rat za diktaturu u Japanu, a odluka da ga zadrže za ministra, pa da posle objavljuju članke u kojima optužuju demokratski pokret za dela svog sopstvenog ministra (pokušaj uvođenja diktature u Japan, prim. prev.), je ništa drugo nego advertajzing šema da bi se Srbija pridobila za saveznika njihovog režima. I to veoma loša šema, rekao bih Lično sam protiv toga što je Squibeel učinio, ja verujem u to da se promene uvek mogu napraviti kroz izbore, kroz demokratiju, kroz pokretanje svesti naroda. Da li je ovo lak put za preći? Naravno da nije, ali je i dalje iz mnogo razloga najbolji

5) Šta narod Portugalije koji nije deo ove ekipe koja je uvela diktaturu misli o savezu sa Srbijom, kao i sa celom Asterijom?

-Narod Portugalije voli Srbiju i želi biti vaš saveznik. Imali smo mnogo odluka kojima smo pokušavali da nađemo najbolji način da vas zadržimo za prijatelje, ponekad čak i brinući više o vašim interesima nego o našim. Diktator i igrači koji ga podržavaju (neki od njih su bogati portugalski VISA tenkovi) su oni koji su kritikovali odluke i stavove mnogih prethodnih vlada Portugalije, kritikujući ih da su više respektovali želje naših saveznika nego naše interese. Ali, mi želimo da održimo dugotrajne prijateljske veze, i mi verujemo da će pre ili kasnije biti prepoznata naša lojalnost, i da će to biti i nagrađeno (zajednička okupacija Španije je pravi primer prijateljstva i deljenja benefita). Ekipa koja je uvela diktaturu je grupa najsebičnijih igrača koji vređaju (ponekad veoma teškim rečima) druge koji imaju različito mišljenje od njihovog, oni odlaze iz svoje zemlje kada se ne osećaju dovoljno nagrađenim, i ne znaju da se snađu u kompleksnoj, diversifikovanoj, a ponekad i zamarajućoj birokratiji u demokratskom uređenju društva.

6) Hvala ti puno na vremenu utrošenom na ovaj intervju Želim i tebi i svim dobrim ljudima Portugalije sve najbolje u budućnosti.

-Ja sam taj koji bi tebi trebalo da se zahvali, i za intervju i za pokazano interesovanje. I hvala svima za vreme utrošeno za čitanje, svestan sam da su odgovori poduži Nadam se da ćete nam se pridružiti u borbi za povratak demokratije u Portugaliju u skoroj budućnosti. Neka vas bog čuva sve. Živela Portugalija! Živela Srbija! Živelo pravo prijateljstvo!


Dear readers,

First of all, we want congratulate to all the people of Portugal today's national holiday: Freedom day.
Exactly 41-year ago in Portugal started a coup that led to a change after decades of authoritarian dictatorship to liberal democracy: known as Carnation revolution. The name "Carnation Revolution" comes from the fact that almost no shots were fired and when the population took to the streets to celebrate the end of the dictatorship and war in the colonies, carnations were put on the uniforms of the army.Although no major bloodshed in these events, still four people died.

On the first anniversary of the revolution, exactly 40 years ago, was the first free elections in Portugal.

In today's edition you can read an interview with ReiLusitano
former President of Portugal, and until recently the Minister of Finances, and you can find out all about the current state coup and the dictatorship in Portugal, according to his view of the situation.

1) For start, can you tell something about yourself?

-Summary of my eLife: I was born on July 11, 2011 and in less than 2 months of life was a Congressman and Coordinator of eRepublik Portugal WikiProject. In 2012 I stopped playing and I was basically one year away from the game. I returned in 2013 and much had changed, I learned to adapt myself to the changes and again I became Congressman (x17 already), Vice-Representative of Congress (x4), Representative of Congress (x3), vCP (1x), CP (1x) and Minister of Finances (x😎.

2) Can you briefly describe to the citizens of Serbia general political situation in Portugal?

- Most of the people feel betrayed and are against the dictatorship, you can see this just by looking in our media for information, or just by peaking the dictatorship few media releases in which is notorious the civil dissatisfaction with the coup made by a few Portuguese tankers and visa users (gold buyers). 3 of the 5 top Parties of the country have already publicly condemned in the media the dictatorship. In Congress, the few Congressmen that were pro-dictatorship and that betrayed the Congress leaking private information to the group that made the coup, were already banished from the forum (discussions and polls). The Congress itself never approved any coup, indeed it was exactly the opposite, the Congress approved the use of all the Portuguese Treasure in the defense of the Democracy, in this case, it’s restoration.

3) Few days ago you had a dictatorship coup in Portugal. I know that you don't support the current dictator, and I saw in your article that you have complaints about it that they choose to start the coup right after Portugal attack on UK, when the lot of cc spend on CO's. Can you tell me more about all of that, and about current dictator?

-As I described in my article: The coup itself was being planned long ago, since the first day the new update was released. The former Commander of UMP (he changed a few days) Andre3567, was a Congressman and Representative of Congress, with me as Vice-Representative. He tried to convince the Congress of supporting a dictatorship in our country, as a “defense measure” he said. But the Congress refused, and new discussions were open to protect the money and invest in democracy, discussions that eventually resulted in the laws that are now in effect. Andre3567 and Thydan both were Congressman and both with strong foreign connections, with allies and others. When they saw that they wouldn’t make Congress yield in favor of their pro-dictatorship ideas, Andre3567 started behaving badly, to the point that eventually he had to be exonerated from the office of Representative for his dictatorship like attitudes in both discussions and PM’s of Congress, and was banned 2 times for leaking private information and for irresponsible conduct, due to running for office and leaving a few days after saying that he simply had lost the will to be in Portugal…
When both of them understood that Congress would not make their dreams possible, their started a campaign of recruiting tankers and poisoning allies with lies, until the time was right to make their move for power. The biggest problem and obstacle for their plan was the public opinion and the good amount of Treasure that Portugal had in it’s possession, they knew they had to weaken both in order to be successful. When the Portuguese CP Kazuto made the decision of attacking the UK, even though he knew very well that Congress wouldn’t allow him to spend too much money, he went anyway. And because the CP was being exaggeratedly motivated by most of the MU Commanders (one of them the one that is now the dictator) he totally ignored the budget limit and his own words in Congress asking for 350 000 cc to put in CO’s. When I (the MoF and Representative of Congress) went online by the end of the day, I saw that the CP was well above the limit, above 650 000 cc and going to get more. So I blocked his access to the money, cutting the financial wastage and disaster that was being made and that was depleting our pro-democracy fund.
Because the CP failed to know when to stop, and to respect the Congress will, a crisis emerged. Suddenly the pro-dictatorship players had the perfect scenario to launch their plan:

-The Congress was on the verge of launching an impeachment to the CP (which was not approved because the second choice in the elections was a known troll/scammer in our community).
-The public was confused with what happened, many felt disappointed and because the Congress hadn’t yet made public the important private info, players like thydan, andre3567 and sucateir0 started a successful smear campaign against government and specially MoF (making the MoF the scapegoat), trying to garner support for their cause, or at least, prevent the rest of the public to fight at all when the time came to defend the democracy.
-The public treasury was depleted almost by half due to the unauthorized use for CO’s by the CP in the UK.
-Congress was too focused in others issues like the prevention of abuse of power by a CP, to notice the movements being made quickly among the tankers and among allies (the dictator sympathizers sent PM’s to allied governments to not interfere and basically misleading them to believe that a coup in Portugal was wanted by all, what was in fact a lie).

Two days after the battle in the UK, the pro-dictatorship players that were “crying” because of the cut of the CO’s and trying to manipulate the public opinion to their side, suddenly launched a coup. A coup that depleted almost the rest of the Portuguese Treasure fighting against them. And with which was proved that not only these players had a lot of money to fight, but they deliberately didn’t use that money in the battle against UK that they said was lost due to lack of money from government at the last minute. The question in every Portuguese mind is: why didn’t they used it? Why would those self called patriots would not use their fortune to fight for their country but keep it to use it two days later to launch their own dictatorship? Suddenly the huge hypocrisy was clear for everyone to see! Most of them not even had the Portuguese citizenship, so they didn’t contributed to the Portuguese Treasure, but most all of them motivated the CP to make crazy expenditures in a war without approval of Congress, and they themselves did not invested the huge amount of money they had. They were keeping it for the plan at hand of launching a coup in their own country.
And because the public was confused, the allies were lied to by the pro-dictatorship players, the government itself had a good part dismissed itself (me included). There it was, the best opportunity for these guys to launch their selfish ascension to power, which caused a huge discomfort in Portuguese society.
It was only after the coup that Congress released the private information because the discussions+polls take at least 48 hours. The fact is that it was too late to prevent what had happened, but it was not too late to show the Portuguese society who were the traitors who had taken power. In the PM's, IRC conversations, forum threads, it was clear that these players had a well-defined schedule from the beginning, and that they handled everything and everyone to accomplish their goals.
And this is basically the best resume I can make about the dark sad recent history of ePortugal. And I invite you all to investigate the information for yourselves in our forum and the leaks that have been made in the articles of the pro-democracy movement.

4) This week in that time official MoFa of Portugal tried to coup Japan and become a dictator, even is Japan close ally of Serbia, and there are lot of Serbians in Japan. That could have negative effects on Serbia-Portugal relations, too. What can you say about that, and about the player who tried to become Japanese dictator?

The MoFA Squibeel is the MoFA chosen by dictator. In the 5th line of the print the MoFA says that the dictatorship asked him to be their MoFA, and down the text he basically says that he accepted because he wanted to keep doing his work. All the other ministers were changed or have no substitute because they didn't accept working with the dictatorship. I was MoF and I dismiss myself after the battle in the UK, due to the CP unauthorized and exaggerated spending. So, you can see that the dictatorship in Portugal is indeed a very dangerous, one that means to lie not only to its people, but to the allies of Portugal as well. The dictator knew perfectly that Squibeel would launch a coup in Japan, the decision to keep it and then make an article blaming the democracy movement for the decision of its own Minister, is nothing more that an advertising scheme to gain favor from Serbia to the regime. A bad one I might say. Personally I’m against what he did, I believe that change can always be made through elections, through Democracy, through public awareness. If it is an easy road to travel? No it is not, but it is still the most enriching one in so many levels.

5) What ordinary Portuguese people that are not a part of Dictatorship squad think about the alliance with Serbia, and whole Asteria?

The Portuguese People like Serbia, we like to be your allies, we made many decisions trying to find the best way to keep you as friends, sometimes taking more in concern your needs than ours. The dictator and the players that support him (some few visa Portuguese rich tankers) they are the ones that criticized the attitude of many Portugal governments for being more respectful of our allies wishes than sometimes our own. But we like to keep long friendships and we believe that sooner or later we will be recognized for our loyalty and given back the reward for it (the joint occupation of Spain is a clear example of friendship and reward sharing). The dictatorship represents by itself the most selfish entitled players that insult (sometimes very badly) others for having different opinions from theirs, that leave their country when they don’t feel rewarded enough, and that don’t know how to handle the complexity, diversity, and sometimes tiresome bureaucracy of an Democracy.

6) Thank you very much for this interview and the time you spend for answering questions I wish you all the best in the future, to you and to whole good people of Portugal.

It is me who has to thank you for the interview and interest demonstrated. And I thank you all for your time for reading it, I know it is quite extensive. I hope you will join us in the fight for the restoration of the Portuguese Democracy in a near future. God bless you all. Hail Portugal! Hail Serbia! Hail True Friendship!

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Za obične članove svakodnevno imamo akcije, kojim ih nagrađujemo za vernost i odanost koju nam pružaju iz dana u dan. Prva akcija je podela hleba. Svaki član divizija D1 i D2 dnevno dobija 400 wella od naše stranke za dnevne potrebe. Svakodnevno imamo preko dvadeset upita, i zadovoljnih korisnika ove podele.

Osim toga, imamo i zanimljiva dnevna takmičenja, na zidu stranke. Kvi znanja, tokom kojeg prva osoba koja tano odgovori na postavljeno pitanje dobija 15q7 tenkova, što morate priznati i nije uopšte mala nagrada.

Druga stvar je kladionica, u kojoj se dele nagrade, na osnovu postignutih rezultata na nedeljnom nivou.
