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Top 11 Battle hero achievements + giveaway

52 Hari ke 1,865, 03:56 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Once again I bring you Top 11 sumething stuffz beacuse im nice [:
Well I only have one moar thing to say before we get to the fun stuff and -->that is that there isSMALL

And today we are

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Top 11 oldest citizens in eSweden

17 Hari ke 1,862, 04:35 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

hai 😃 This is my second top 11 stuffz, last time I wrote about the 11 eswedish citizens with the most Hard worker achievement but today im going to tell u who is the oldest ALIVE eswedish citizen and tell you alittle stuffz about them [: Im talking

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Top 11 Hard worker achievements

16 Hari ke 1,858, 06:08 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hai's 😃 idk whats wrong with me I just want to make zillions of articles so hey let's go! So this haz been done by a few players before me (obviously) but I always thought numbers, statistics and stuffz is always fun to look at, (as long as you don'

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God of War!!!

39 Hari ke 1,856, 22:56 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hai 😉

I know for sure theres alot God of War players out there today but still [; you can never have to many!


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Lottery giveaway thingy winners!

6 Hari ke 1,856, 00:28 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hai's 🙂

Here are the 10 lucky winners from the lottery thingy I started 2 days ago [:

CONGRATS to all the winners

First place 150Q7 tanks
sleepmode [

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