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іViečarovy Mahilou

Should we start a Training War?

8 Hari ke 3,187, 10:58 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran


Last couple of days I was 2clickin, when I suddenly realized I want to fight a little — not just for fun, but to collect some gold.

After that I realized that I have no battle to fight.
As for me, the ideal battle has three features:

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3 Hari ke 3,153, 06:12 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

Shaloms is for many of shalom - every shalom for each and every one here.

I guess this article is a bittle lit late. I should present myself for those, with whom I had no connections in Discord chat.
Basically, right here and

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Free Food

18 Hari ke 3,088, 07:34 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Shalom haverim
There's no time to explain
First 25 commenters will get 200 Q1 food

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[іВМ] Аб некаторых зьменах

14 Hari ke 3,033, 09:58 Diterbitkan di Belarus Belarus Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

שלום גברים
Шалом, спадарства

Доўга марудзіць ня буду.
Акрамя бясплатнай 10-дзённай вандроўкі ў Ізраіль ( ёсьць яшчэ такая штука, як Маса -


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[iBM] Вынікі конкурсa

7 Hari ke 3,020, 00:07 Diterbitkan di Belarus Belarus Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Добрай раніцы!

Конкурс падышоў да фінальнага этапу.
Цяпер мая справа - вынікі падлічыць.

У конкурсе удзельнічала 5 гульцоў. Параўнаем іх прагрэс:

Pan Alies Bu

У вынік … lebih lanjut »