Your salary is too low ? Join Voters Club

Day 1,479, 13:02 Published in China Greece by salonikiosss

Your salary is too low, but you want more ? Do you need over a dozen more tanks per week ?

We are in Voters, how about YOU ?

By joining voters team you have possibility to get additional money in Erepublik. It doesn't take too much of your time and it's not complicating your game. Canny people and those who have a lot of friends can earn quite a lot money. Practically without any effort. How is it possible ? You just have to sign up here and carry out orders given in voters panel. Inviting your friends by reflink system makes your profits multiplicated. The description of "How our system works?" can be found in previous articles.
For disbelievers, below you can see screen on which are shown completed salaries for week between 28th day of November and 5th day of December 2011 year.

As seen, you can earn quite a lot. We foresee that it'll be possible to earn even more. Someone can say - Yes, but present press system in Erepublik doesn't give so many financial possibilities as before. Of course it's not as it was before, but we dynamically develop custom orders system in which you can earn even more than just for voting or subscribing newspapers. In current week by completing 4 orders (which took 10 minutes) it's possible to earn even 1000PLN (2gold) - this, after all is 8 average salaries. Also added in 7th day of December order can earn 100 PLN just for one little registration, not necessarily on our main e-mail.

Because some of the beginners might have problems in finding what's our system is all about, we present description of voters panel below.

Register, and because of higher salaries, you'll be able to try a little of ereps luxury.

You have too low subsctiptions ? You need more for Media Mogul medal ? You want your articles to be on top of your country list ? Give it to Voters !

Dear publisher, because of us you can become press potentate. Your articles will be read by all people around the eWorld. Your press logo will become recognizable sign for all players.

We can directly bring you to gain desired Media Mogul medal.

To achieve these objectives, you need to place and order here (make a new order), pay a little sum of Polish money (described in the pricelist) to the account of one of the moderators and in the term of few minutes/hours* you'll be able to enjoy the fame and gold.

*depending of the size of the order

Orders for vote - bumping article on the top of country list.
Orders for subscribe - maximum 200 subscriptions of newspaper (300 by prior arrangement with the moderator)
