Work Tax, benefiting the rich and harming the poor

Day 2,460, 08:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by newmansaveme

You may have noticed recently that you have to pay increasing amounts to work as manager. This is a result of the high average wage. Unfortunately for the players of Erepublik, these wages have disappeared, and nearly everyone is being payed wages half the price of the stated average wage.

The average wage is calculated on an average of the last 30 day period. Unfortunately this has some bad consequences. Since working as a manager incurs you costs, you can lose a great sum just working. This is a result of the 2% tax. The current average wage is: Average 133.98 GBP As of Today. Since Work tax is calculated for Work as manager at 2% * average wage, the work tax for working in just one company is: 2.68 GBP. This is a large number especially for people who have a large number of low-level companies. However for people who have high-level companies e.g. Q7 factories etc. they don't lose that much because they produce much more valuable stuff. People with cheap Raw material companies are also affected. The result is that the high Work Tax benefits the rich and harms the poor, which in Erepublik is the low-level players. People who buy gold are less affected because they can easily get high level Raw-materials companies and Factories.

To conclude I believe that Work Tax should be reduced to help the Lower-level population of the UK. This would support us because the high average wage at the moment is annoying a lot of people. At least for now the congress should vote too lower tax rates. Unfortunately Congress is filled with higher level players who will benefit from keeping the tax high. In any case I believe that reducing the work tax rate would benefit the economy of the EUK.

The EUK government has made tremendous amounts of money as we have seen the estimated average wage skyrocket but the real average wage going nowhere. The increase in Work Tax has increased the price of Wep Raw material because many people don't hire employees for that job.

The GBDP is committed to lowering work tax, please vote for it in the next Congressional elections. Thank you!