Wild Owl, Our President, Changing Our Country for the Worse

Day 2,263, 13:44 Published in USA USA by Captain Recks
Hey Rex Readers my latest article is about our President and why some of his Presidential moves are quite wrong.

So what's with our President and betraying some of our oldest allies and Befriending some of our oldest enemies.

Lets look at Problem No.1 eCanada was in trouble and we did not budge, yes we are getting stronger allies than eCanada but we are making bigger enemies, if we don't help eCanada get there land back who do you think will. The Powerful Serbia. If eSerbia helps eCanada who looks like a prime target for both of them. USA.
We might be able to fight them for a little bit but Strength is in Numbers, and we defiantly don't have the numbers.

Problem No.2 is making enemies allies, Poland was a enemy and a US threat and we are befriending them and betraying one of our longest allies in eCanada. Same scenario with Spain. So where does this Treachery End.

Problem No.3, eJapan.
eJapan, a long time ally is in trouble and what does our CP do?rent their land, eJapan fought hard to get their land back and what do we automatically do? Practically steal it from them, they need all the help they can get, we need to help them in their time of struggle.

Problem No.4, Portugal. attacking Portugal must not have been well thought out, I know everybody loves to get the extra damage from a NE but USA is already in enough trouble. They have too many small RW's in their rented territory's, yes a few citizens can take each one but what about our allies Battles and Wars, we can not help them when we are fighting a battle of our own, think about Italy vs Serbia, Italy could not have Won most of their RWs without the help of US citizens. And with this new War between eUS and ePortugal nobody will help with the Struggles our Allies are having.

Problem No.5 is Eastern Siberia, helping Russia with Argentina was friendly and all but they need everything they can get, we can give them Eastern Siberia so they can at least get the taxes, if they are ever going to beat Argentina and get their land back they need anything they can get a grip on.

All of these examples should be enough proof for you to see that Wild Owl has not been making great choices and that he is making a country of integrity into a country that will do anything if it can get a bonus. A very Big problem is the Enemies into Friends and Friends into Enemies, the So-Called New Friends could betray us at any moment and our old allies would not help us because we did not help them in their time of need, another wipeout could be upon us. Almost Everything he has done is everything me and my party (The Socialist Freedom Party) strive to destroy. So On Election Day lets remember these problems that he has caused or can fix and won't fix.

Rex Out V