Why not???

Day 1,338, 03:37 Published in Brazil Brazil by LukasPim

Friends Please Vote!

Brasileiros, desculpem-me a arrogância, mas , se trata de um artigo internacional, qualquer coisa, manda mp

I was here thinking, WHY NOT? I want to make people happy \o/

But for that you need to help me too.

1- Comment with your VOTE and SUB
2- Be my friend
3- Shout The article ( you can use a miniurl)
4- Be Lucky

╚══`.¸.TANKS http://miniurl.com/119278

-Dam, LukasPim, what do i receive doing this?

- I answer you:

::: 200 tanks :::

::: 10 Golds :::


And theres an extra: If i receive MM, ill increse 5G + 50 tanks at the reward!!!!! So Please, dont forget the 4 steps!!!!

in 4~5 days ill talk to the winner, ill use: http://www.random.org/