Why Invade eUSA?

Day 599, 02:34 Published in United Kingdom Austria by Balkan Beast

There has been loads of talk about a Invasion of eCanada Through Scotland once its Taken Over,And soon after invading eUSA.... I Just wanted to ask..... Whats the point of it,Peace Already has the Resources they could gain from eUSA, Also they would be gaining 50 new provinces, with about alot of americans that would PTO it Eventually. This makes it even more pointless, because if they are able to PTO the Countries that took them over, You will have the same scenario that happened in eCroatia(That was actually good though).Are they trying to make a point? Teach Americans a lesson? Who knows the motives? Its still not going to make gains ,and taking eUSA & eCanada is a far different matter than holding it.

This wouldnt just result in a PTO, but it would also weaken the PEACE forces throughout the world, and would result in multiple RWs.The only way to stop the majority of america after the take over would be to stop giving from food or make the prices on food unbuyable,the same thing with guns, and moving tickets. Then the people that weren't prepared would starve eventually. and a couple hundred-thousands would live but the majority of america would die, but then again about 3000 of eAmericans are Inactive and dying already. Even with killing on the majority of eAmerica, What is the point? They beg for a invasion, eUK's role in the matter is unhonourable in my opinion but its happening regardless. If you are against a ePeace Invasion Dont let the eHungarians take over Scotland.If not Stand by and join the invasion.Chances are if the invasion is true,Portugal,Russia,Japan,and Mexico would also invade eUSA.

Thats all for now... Lets see how all of this unfolds,it shouldnt be long.

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