Who are you voting for? Part 2

Day 814, 13:02 Published in India India by LordRajIndia

Sorry this article is late, yesterday I got caught up in a few things which meant I lost time to write this article so here it as promised….

From reading my previous articles, many of you will think that I don’t take erepublik very seriously. Well I would like to prove to you that I do have a strong interest in this game and do care a lot about eindia. Now you will be thinking ‘Why should we vote for him to be our party president?’, well even though I am not as experienced as a lot of you, I believe that new people like myself can be effective and bring about change for the better good.

Eindia is a great nation, and I believe that it should be strong to make other nations look up to us and respect us. However, in order to do this, we need the loyalty and support of the nation. This is what the party is all about isn’t it? - India all being united together to remain a powerful nation. Showing our respect and loyalty to our fellow citizens we can stand together and unite in order to achieve our goals.

This support would enable us to stand together as a whole and fight all those who oppose us and want to destroy us. Take those mafia scoundrels for example, by standing strong, we can show them who we really are and let them know once and for all that they can’t beat us and should give in. Do we really want to lose our nationality by making it split and unstable? By all uniting, we can stop any more potential threats. Do we really want to lose our culture and identity?

I also believe that the rights and views of the eindian citizen are very important. Everyone should be able to put forward their comments, opinions and views in order to improve the nation for the better good. As party president, I would welcome all voices and therefore decided to have a weekly question and answer session in the forums where everyone and anyone can have their say. I would then get a good impression from you all what we need to do to improve.

To keep loyalty up from the nation as a whole, respectful citizens should be rewarded for their efforts and contributions and names of those who do their best in working and serving for their nation should be recognised and acknowledged. Why not make people proud to be part of eindia?

The key things to improve eindia even further are through economic, social, political and territorial policies. Party members will all be assigned to an area in which they want in one of the mentioned above and will have the chance to discuss and hold debates about how we can improve them and put them into practice which will serve and benefit for the better good of everyone and the nation. This shows party structure and organisation, a factor in which I believe will secure India United as the dominant party in eindia. Without this, the party can never fail and always achieve results.

As your party president, I do generally wish to put everything plus much more into active practice, therefore with your vote I could help eindia in being recognised as one of the greater nations in the whole of erepublik.

Although I am shown to have a fun side with my previous articles, I do think it is necessary to have things like that just to keep the spirit up of the nation as a whole. With low spirits, not much can be achieved, therefore aswell as the serious stuff I will add an extra little fun from time to time. This also keeps up spirits and moral.

I hope this clarifies things with you and I do hope you don’t rule me out and please consider what I have to say. I may be new but I do know what it takes to lead a party and achieve success.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Remember you only have one vote so think about it wisely before you use it.

Long live EIndia!!