When to get cheap Battle Hero Medals

Day 1,064, 14:10 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Why can my good friend Noggin do 12K damage with food only and I can only do 7K. We both have almost the same rank. She is a 11 Tank and I am a 10 Artilary (I have a second wepaon of 7 in air). Does that make that much difference or is this another case of cow persecution? The best answer to why Noggin kicks more ass then me in the comments gets a prize (supplied by Nogin).


Congratulations to the people of Bolivia for regaining two of there original lands it was a great victory. We got between 25 and 30 Irish soldiers down there all doing a lot of damage. The Plan was that Santa Cruise was the main target and the war I opened in Chuquisaca was just a drain battle. We eneded up kicking some much butt that we actually won both and pretty convincing. Bolivia has some great leaders who I do not think slept for 24 hours coordinating the fighting. There were others that helped out especially the polish militia Husaria. On our end a big thanks goes to the ICA and Marcus who did a great job organizing everything and picked a bad day to spop smoking. Thank you to everyone who took the time to go down there and fight, you did our country proud. We lost JSK down there, he was last seen chasing after the girl below during the victory party.


TW/RW Delayed 48 hours

The Conn training war was delayed 48 hours for to help the Bolivians. This will probably be stopped because the American MPP will provide a lot of real war.

When to fight

Back to my last article on how to get battle Hero medals in this new war module. The first question on when is what time of the day should I fight. With battles going on round the world 24 hours a day there are plenty of choices. Every country has a prime time, for Ireland it is 10:00 eTime or 6PM Irish time. There are sites that track who is on line and you can see when the most popular time is. By law of supply and demand you are going to pay more to try to win a BH at prime time. But it is very early morning Austria or middle of the afternoon is South America when it is prime time here. So when looking for battles to fight in a region of the world that few people would be on line at that time. I have won a BH medial in Austral for only 5K in damage. In that case I got more gold from the treasury map then it cost me to win it. I was told by one other person that they got one fighting for Russia with about 500 damage. That might be an urban myth but shop around cheap BH medals are out there.

The second thing that is important on fighting is when in the two hours to fight. The strategy I have used is to do about 80% of my damage in the first half hour of the battle. If I put up 6K in damage it discourages others from moving to that battle to try to get a cheap medial. Sort of like a dog marking out there territory. This is the most important tip in this article. Save damage for the last 30 seconds. I have got 8 of the 10 BH I have gone for recently but the two I lost both happened in last 10 seconds. What some people do is they fight away and do just a little less less damage then you. Then in last seconds fight one more time and top you in damage. It is actually a clever strategy to get medals at cheapest cost. One war there was about three people behind me string this. So be prepared to do your last 20% of damage in the last minute of the battle.

Last suggestion on timing is if you have lower military skill try fighting in a war that is going on at the day change of 00:00 etime or 8AM Irish time. You can do your 300 food damage before this and then do another 300 food damage in same battle after this. There is also few people fighting at this time.

Just a reminder. In V1 you had to spend about 50 gold to win a BH medal. There were only 2 per battle and less war. Now there is a lot of wars going on and 16 per battle. If the average treasure map pays a little less then 5 gold and you can win a BH medal for food only at a cost of 2.1 gold. You can make good money funny. Grannie died before her time arrived, she would be a wealthy women now. With only 8 BH medals I am not an expert at this so any other tips would be welcome in the comments.