What shifting sands sow

Day 5,554, 05:00 Published in Sweden Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

Today I have reached what others have done quite a long time ago. I received my 1,300th Super Soldier Medal. It was one of my undocumented goals and was slightly sped up by dear Plato's increase in the daily challenge mantra.

My strength is currently resting at 325,006.91. Long ago are the days when certain players would offer to 'sit my account' or 'buy' my account. I used to be pretty decent but that was before I went back into asphalt paving and other misadventures left unsaid.

But my goal in all this is not to be the strongest, I want to be the littlest and finest particle of sand I can be. That alone is a well oiled machine.

We must defeat the failed establishment.

That's all, but I guess I'll leave you with this wiki entry. To defeat the failed establishment we follow Dioist precepts. Here is one of the three philosophies of Dioism regarding the subject.

☪☪☪ POWER ☪☪☪

Power is one of the fundamental beliefs of Dioism.

Power is a measure of a person's ability to control the environment around them, including the behavior of other persons. The term "authority" is often used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure. In Dioism, human individuals or groups can be modeled as 'actors' who choose from a 'choice set' of possible actions in order to try and achieve desired outcomes. An actor's 'incentive structure' comprises the costs associated with different actions in the choice set, and the likelihoods that different actions will lead to desired outcomes.

“ Do not forget your past, as it influences your future. It is the manifestation of your destiny. ”
(Dio Brando)

In Pakistan, power is valued among the Dioists as it shows that they have strength as individuals, as well as strength as a whole. The ability to control one's fate is desirable in the sense that one has the ability to change their lives through action, and their life is not predestined to a linear outcome.
