What kind of Minister of Education is this?

Day 2,003, 08:33 Published in Canada Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

Edit- Our MoE/MoI likes to tamper with other parties inner politic http://prntscr.com/156dy2 , cant the executive members stay out of party affairs?

I noticed not long ago that crisfire was eCanada's Minister of Education. He has the important role of reaching out to new eCanadians with an unbiased hand and to help them find there place in the New World. Yet this MoE releases his party articles that are trying to recruit new players! Whatever happened to the supposed impartiality that the executive members are supposed to conduct themselves in? The MoE should be releasing non-political articles that will help teach and guide new players, not articles that 'lure' them into a political party. As MoE crisfire has a advantageous position to influence new players and he appears to be using it for the benefit of his party. This needs to stop or else it shows that our CP does not care what activities his MDP cronies do while in the executive.

Furthermore I would like to know what the MoE is doing beyond trying to use his position to promote his parties program, or is his MoE title just for show and to make him feel good?